[Image] Have goals in life

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And the doc was like: who tf are you?!

I mean. Not the greatest paragraph in the history of the English language.

__In short: Doctor say “Heart bad” you maybe die soon.
I say “Nuh-uh” and live.__

Full Translation:

18 years ago I went to a Cardiologist; a heart doctor.

The Cardiologist asked me what I wanted.

I wanted to see my children go to University.

[I refused to roll over and do less due to a dodgy heart. I did more.]

My son is now a medical student. He told the Cardiologist I still lived.

Despite a dodgy heart, I lived, and did more; I was motivated to do more while I lived.

Told him you had what?

I was waiting for this to be a LinkedIn lunatics post

His poorly written goal was to survive. Also, nowhere on that was he asked a powerful question

Make your goals your children’s responsibility?

And the doctor was like: wtf I meant like do you eat McDonalds

Must be a fun dad, expecting his 3 year olds to be uni material.

What? This confusing?

Once I went to a new doctor to get a prescription so the doctor asked: “Any known allergies?”

I pondered the question for a moment in silence and holding back my tears I answered: “I’m allergic to the indifference of this society in the face of people in need”.

The doctor rolled her eyes, then said: “No, seriously, I need to know if you’re allergic to any medicines because I just want to prescribe you all of them.”

Now I’m dead.

As an non native english speaker i dont get the last part, what does that mean? he had what? a disease?

And every patient in the waiting room clapped.

What a douche

This story proves that clear goals drive us to live with purpose and determination.

In what relationship is he to the medical student son? I don’t get it

Damn it would suck to be the other twin

3 sets of one year old twins, or one set of 3 year old twins?

Yeah I’d love to be able to afford to see a doctor one day

Terrible writing. Awful. And I’m just a high school graduate, who had to finish at an accelerated high school.
(Not a good thing)

step one – be rich

The other student grew up to be a failure.

I’m glad I’m not the only one confused by this lmao

i had a freaking stroke reading this bro

now i want to live to see John go through an english class

The doctor said “Ohhh you don’t want to die during my procedure, that’s unusual. I guess I can actually try this time.”

And the second twin? I disowned that motherfucker after he said he didn’t want to go to university.

Do cardiologists typically assume people want to die unless they state otherwise?

its not written the best way but yall just cant read (holy shit ppl on internet are pissing on the poor???)

Normally people’s goals are up to great grandchildren but it’s ok one step at a time.

Goal number 2 begins now.

For any healthcare students or professionals here… please can I recommend the book Motivational Interviewing (Rollnick and Miller), or indeed youtube videos explaining it, or the free module on it on the BMJ website.

This question would fit really well into a Motivational Interviewing approach… eliciting the patient’s values, exploring their priorities, what matters to them.

“Oh, glad you told me, I was just going to let you die.”

The doctor then gave him the special care that they only reserve for people who have children

He asked “need”, not “want”.

Is the other twin a rocket scientist?

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