Imaginary enemies are easy to make

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World’s richest neckbeard. He wouldn’t even get in the ring with Zuck for a fight that was his idea.

That is unironically cringe. What the fuck? Only need a fedora to finish of the wank

I bet it’s somewhere in South Africa and his “enemies” were just workers who wanted to unionize.

Never progressed beyond “I’ll beat you up at recess if you’re not nice to me.”

What a edge lord he acts like he’s 14

While we were partying, Elon studied the blade

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Never forget who Elmo truly is.

This is a man who could actually make people disappear. He is declaring his historic crimes and threatening others? wtf

I hate that I can’t tell if Musk really tweeted this or not. lt’s just the cringiest shit, like it was written by a goth high schooler in the ’90s who thought he was bullied but was actually just pretty much ignored.

Though, that said, I suppose we have to consider the possibility that Musk is being literal and has just reached a point where he believes he’s completely immune to the law.

He came up with this line while practicing his ninja moves with a broken broom handle in front of a mirror.

Is it just me or are his ‘words’ sounding an awful like little Andy Tate?

He forgot to add “m’lady” in there somewhere. What a fucking edgelord.

JFC. Elmo needs to lay off the drugs

He talks like the weirdo at the back of the class that thought he was mysterious and argued with the teacher lol

Wait, he’s going to fight Zuckerberg after all? lol

who is he talking to, his stuffed animals?

… And that’s the man you’ll have in charge of your Hovt

Cheesus rice this is the kind of infantile posturing I stopped doing online when I was 16.

He means his enemies are buried in a video game cemetery.

Neckbeard shit.

No wonder his kids all hate him.

So either this is edgelord bullshit or he just admitted to murder.

This guy is 50 years old.

My god dude, what the fuck, this is the kind of shit I wrote on my emo ass MySpace page when I was 14 and depressed

Whyyyyyy do people keep throwing money at this crying little teenager

Doesn’t matter, he’s wealthy. No matter what comes out of his skull, he’ll believe it.

This guy is so full of shit his upper belly is starting to swell up.

Is he threatening to kill people?

Maybe he’s talking about all the business partners he’s fucked over like the founders of Tesla?

The Brazilian Courts [owned]( him.
Money can’t buy you gravitas or maturity.

This makes him sound like he committed murder.

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It seems Elon is confessing to multiple murders.


Dude admits to multiple murders…

This is something a 12 year old who thinks they’re hard shit would post or some fat bald american who’s never set foot in a firing range in his life trying to act like he’s some grizzled war vet.

Good lord, could he get any cringier?

So he’s a murderer? Did he just admit to murder? Lmao

Now my question is he admitting that he’s a mass murderer? 🤔🤨

So, death threats now? Never mind potential admission of murder. Let’s have some follow-up questions here.

Is he trying to say he’s killed people or had people killed?


Most of his enemies are still alive and mostly angry because they can’t return the Tesla.

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