Imagine losing 6M labor workers in America

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Relying on slave labor

It is against the law to employ anyone not legally authorized to work in the United States.

Why is enforcement of legal immigration and legal employment such a big issue for people?

I can’t just pop into France, and be like “I have a right to work here. I, and millions of other American expats need you to leave us alone, despite the fact that we’re in open violation of your laws.”

It’s okay the labor shortage will be solved by the massive influx of unemployed federal workers courtesy of Elon.

Imagine if these industries employed workers legally and paid them legal wages and benefits.

*Edit-* Yes, costs would go up but wages go up too, meaning those workers have more income to spend on goods and services. Unlike tariffs where costs go up and the government gets the benefit.

If a country cannot survive
without โ€œillegalโ€ immigration, then then the whole system is flawed and should be replaced

Imagine defending the exploitation of migrants instead of realizing, that the salaries should be increased, so we are not DEPENDING on migrants. (With “we”, i mean every western nation, not just america)

Are you really ok with this? If so, it’s pretty telling about your morals and ethics in a broader sense and not the little segment, you argue/show for here.

PS: The economy is a complex beast and not some 2-dimensional thing, like you try to make it here.

Imagine acting like having a crucial part of our workforce be illegal immigrants is a good thing. He’s not gonna deport legal immigrants you tards.

Imagine trying to defend the merits of having corporations not paying livable wages to citizens who are looking for work.

Whatever happened to work visas

Half the people here complain endlessly about having low-wage jobs, being treated as disposable shit by companies and so on…. And then turn around and complain about the SUPPLY OF LABOR being cut.

You people realise that if the supply gets cut you are no longer disposable, and will be paid more ?

Its the NPC meme “Trump bad” all over again. Yes deportation is bad, but mostly bad for companies – US low wage worker is gonna benefit from that.

Soooooo prices will go up to what the labor value should be. If the economy is so great right now, this shouldnโ€™t be an issue.

I still donโ€™t understand how you can make a chart like this. Isnโ€™t the whole point of an immigrant being an illegal is that there isnโ€™t any documentation for them? How do you count them?

Didnโ€™t Florida basically kick out a ton of the illegal construction workers and crash that sector?

I thought they only did jobs no one else wanted to do, like fruit picking or slaughter house worker?

Without the slaves, who will pick the cotton?

Im not on the trump deportation wagon by any means, but defending the current system is just as stupid.

Let’s make it EASIER and SAFER for people who want to come work in our country and contribute, and much HARDER or impossible for people who want to come here and mooch or commit crime.

Ideally everyone would be a legal migrant worker with some sort of non citizen ID, a background check, and rights and responsibilities, including the right to return home and see family and then come back for their job without having to sneak across the desert, swim across a river or be smuggled by coyotes, etc

Coming to the country illegally is dangerous, its makes people afraid to report abuse, crime, sex trafficking etc.

Every job that I ever got, I had to show two forms of identification. These employers who are knowingly hiring these ILLEGAL workers are breaking the law and depriving honest laborers of living wages. They shouldn’t be rewarded they should be imprisoned!

Imagine 6m Americans instead of illegals having jobs and companies forced to pay higher wagers.

What don’t you understand in the word “illegal” ?

If you want workers that do not come from your country just deliver visas !

6M? That doesn’t seem a lot compared to 161M. Less than 4%.

But the implications are bigger than this. Those 6M were underpaid to pressure the rest of workers into accepting lower pay.

Now what happens if this pressure is gone?

Guys, I don’t think “Imagine basically defending slave labor” is the most constructive way to portray the other side’s point.

No one is defending the exploitation of working illegal immigrants. However, the exploitation absolutely occurs and it will become much harder to get away with it once the jobs are above board. This, along with labor shortages will absolutely be disastrous for the economy, especially in the short term.

Yes of course it is better to have fairly compensated workers, and any attempt at saying that EITHER side is against that is almost always an obvious strawman.

When someone mentions the repercussions of deporting millions of illegal immigrants, that is NOT in any way the same as supporting illegal immigration.

Please stop conflating support for any of these things as supporting illegal immigration, it is almost always more complicated than that.

If you wanna get into the details of why it would be better long term or why the other reasons for not wanting mass deportations are invalid, then more power to you. Just do it honestly.

Why these farms and factories not mandated to get these people work visas? Oh yeah that would require them to pay them a livable wage my bad silly me

They could do a one time blanket amnesty for any and all migrants working in US effective “x” date; then go forward with stricter enforcement. Would be cheaper / less disruptive to the economy.

incredible that the US is this reliant on a black labor market that drives human trafficking…

wanting to do something about that is pretty clearly a good thing.

but i’d rather seevall these jobs unionized. seems like a far better solution for immigration pressure.

Why don’t they become legal? Its not like its forbidden I think if you come here legally that is fine but if you come illegally and refuse to become a citizen then you should be removed.

Remember that the party raising a fuss about losing cheap labor from illegal immigrants is the same party that fought for slavery.

If you pay well enough, people will do the job.

Ehhโ€ฆ itโ€™s either support undocumented humans being in the country at the cost of them being used as slaves OR deport them for breaking a law but upsetting the balance of the economyโ€ฆ

Iโ€™d take the 2nd option. As a black man, I canโ€™t support any form of slavery, even if itโ€™s means my way of life has to be more challenging. Itโ€™s just not fair to them tbh.

I donโ€™t understand this as a foreigner. Why canโ€™t industries hire legal workers but they have to rely on illegal immigrants who canโ€™t get any protection? Isnโ€™t this shady? Isnโ€™t it a normal thing to curb illegal immigration and make businesses more ethical?

Just wait til you realize how much corpos donโ€™t want to pay a living wage and Americans donโ€™t want to clean rooms and mow lawns.

I just got out of soing construction in the deep south after a decade. I just couldnt stomach laboring my body to dust for walmart wages any longer. Framing, roofing, siding, masonry, all have had stagnant wages for 30 years because of the constant influx of illegal immigrants. Halving the labor force would be one of the the greatest things to ever happen for the constuction trades down here, i and many others would be more than willing to do the work if the pay was proportional to the work we put in. There are no unions, nor would any attempt to unionize be successful due to said illegals. This is why many people support deportation, we arent afraid of work and want a chance at life

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They don’t have a clue

You think housing prices are bad nowโ€ฆ just wait.

Can’t wait!

I know guys making a killing in concrete, construction and infrastructure. They came to make money and they are killing it. They come in on Mondays when Americans refuse to. Every weekend I work, itโ€™s only immigrants out here working. They have the drive.

People will have to stop walking around Walmart in their pajamas and get a job. ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿพ

When are you propagandists going to stop with this trash?ย 

You are the only people not seeing the bigger picture.ย 

The chart clearly says illegal so the people are not supposed to be in the US and are not authorized to have jobs in the US. How are the employers paying the illegals? Are the illegals being paid fairly or are the employers taking advantage of them? And let’s forget about pay, how about benefits like healthcare and retirement.What are they getting or are the employers just taking advantage of poor people who are desperate for a job.

Specifically construction need to pay decent amount, they already charges people or government crazy amounts but using these people as slaves.

For agriculture we can use seasonal work force, many people will ok turning back after a while. USA is expensive

Alright. Now do Americans who are unemployed

OMG! how did we ever build houses or harvest crops before all the illegals came? What ever will we do when rich people lose their slaves?

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