Imagine the outrage if Dems did this

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I know it doesn’t matter anymore, but this is blatantly illegal.

Just a reminder: the immunity SCOTUS invented for Trumplethinskin DOES NOT extend to his minions. “I was just following orders” didn’t fly at Nuremberg. I don’t think it will when this administration collapses from its own weight of corruption & horror. We didn’t go after Nixon – we went after his enablers, and they ALL received prison time.

The moment I first heard his “deep state” bullshit I knew it was just a matter of time til he created it.

If MAGA is a revelation, it’s the Biblical kind that involves an apocalypse.

>**Revelation 13:17**”And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”

That kind of revelation?

Imagine not knowing how fascism works.

As much as Republicans were convinced to despise Biden, he at least still made the effort to include them and represent them within his administration. As the office of the President is not beholden to a single party as much as it is beholden to the nation as a whole and ALL citizens who live there. Whether we agree on policies or not is one thing, we should always be working to come up with better ideas together…and “purifying” an entire branch of government is not in that spirit of Democracy our founders envisioned. It is the opposite: authoritarianism.

It is just like the prices of eggs and gas, they only matter when a Dem is in charge. Dems have to follow every rule, even ones that are made up after the fact, but regressive can do as they please.

Maybe the Democratic Party should stop trying to please people who hate them and try to please the folks who want a reason to vote Democratic?

The head of the Heritage Foundation (Kevin Roberts) spelled this out in an interview with Michael Steele on MSNBC this past summer. He did not stutter. It was not a “what if”. After this interview was the moment the author of most of 2025 (Paul Dans) stepped down from the Heritage Foundation and Trump stepped back from Project 2025. Let me correct that, pretended to step back from Project 2025. Seems the Heritage Foundation guy said too much too early. I vividly remember watching this interview because I felt my blood run cold. Here’s the interview from July:

When I saw felonies don’t matter……

One step closer to showing your papers at state borders and a backhanded way to weed out women. It’s coming and when Maga pick me girls lose their jobs I will not care.

My MAGA revelation was orgasmic / it must have been that time when Trump was in his sweaty golf shirt and his bitch tits we’re hard poking through – I knew then that being a dumb concubine of the MAGA machine without and future and Hope was where I wanted to be /s

The only correct answer is “Go fuck yourself!”

MAGA version of “and how did you come to Christ, my child?”

Isn’t this against the Hatch Act?

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Imagine the outrage if a Democrat *joked* about this.

We are, well and truly, fucked.

Loyalty oaths

If Dems get back in power the should do the same, and then imprison anybody who has connection to the Federalist Society or any other anti-American rightwing terrorist organization.


Hmmm voter intimidation much?

So that’s the “deep state”? People who don’t vote for him?

This seems very illegal but laws are for poor people I guess.

So by “MAGA revelation,” do they mean “when was the moment I realized beyond all doubt that MAGA were a bunch of traitorous fucks?” Because that came quite a while ago, but it was solidified on Jan 6, 2021.

Welcome to the office of Homogeny Inequity and Exclusion.

This is a giant red flaming flag that things are off the rails.

This is all about project 2025 it was written in it.

I swear that’s voter intimidation and ILLEGAL

Oh, I’ve been masturbating to the orange one since the early 1990s!

USA is not a democracy anymore

I’ll be interested to see what the armbands look like.

This can’t possibly be true… Jesus Christ.

Seriously I expect a lot of this shit but over like two year not in 10 days

This is so not normal. This is weird.

Where’s Luigi when u need him

As a retired federal employee this is the most disgusting-thing I have read today I have read some bull

Is this not a clear violation of someone’s civil rights? It is right? They can’t legally do this I don’t think and the Supreme Court is clear about this. This seems like begging for a lawsuit to me.

I’m a county worker. They want to know who I voted for? They won’t like the answer – nor the slew of other terrible thing I have to say about it.

This seems like a very exploitable weakness. I feel like someone bypass the necessary qualifications by faking loyalty and destroy their admin from the inside by deliberate incompetence. I understand a bunch of Europeans did this in WWII while under occupation of the Nazis.

I had my MAGA revelation way back in 2016. I realized he, and his followers, were all fucking morons and he would be the worst thing to happen to this country.

As long as they don’t ask what kind of revelation I had, then I should be good for saying I have understood the MAGA message since the beginning.

I hate these fuckers like the rest of us, but I need to see a legitimate source of this news before I buy into it.

Project 2025 unfolding exactly as they promised.

Literally textbook fascism.

So DEI is in after all, just with different criteria

What’s next, mandatory arm bands?

I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.

That sounds like some real Nazi shit
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I can honestly say I had my MAGA revelation when he mocked the disabled reporter at that press conference and he didn’t get any blow back for it. Revealed all I need to know about MAGA then…

Imagine someone telling you in 2008 American democracy would end due to Apprentice blowhard Donald Trump.

It’s all so ridiculous it feels like they’re trolling. But it’s not just trolling because it’s actual people that are affected by all this

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