Imagine this being how he finds this out

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Those kids would be very mad if they knew how to read.

if his father gets a lot of attention, he is mad

if his father gets no attention, he is mad

you’d almost think he had some weird childhood that really did a number on him


Yeah, Eric, he barely knew his “best friend”.

he,s not a trump without the idiot gene.

He only leaks two things national secrets and number two

Something else that’s not coming up enough, is the fact that Elon wired large sums of money to Maxwell multiple times and titled the payments for “Kung Fu lessons”

He doesn’t remember going places with Epstein as a kid, huh?
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What exactly does Junior do for a living?

Much like his father, he’d be nothing without his father.

tRump also gave a highly coveted cabinet position to the fed prosecutor who gave Epstein the easy and illegal plea deal.

tRump was openly part of the conspiracy to help Epstein get away with his serial child sex trafficking and child rape.

When I told my uncle about him being on the logs he went “ehh, I’d trust him, sure he’d fuck a prostitute but he’s no Clinton!” There’s 0 way to reason with these people man it’s pointless

If the epsteen logs proved trump innocent then he would have personally leaked them.

The fact that trump never once shared any evidence that’s he’s innocent of anything he’s accused of(despite claiming to have it) is very very telling

Nah, he knows. He knows full well his daddy is on those lists, but he is a liar. It’s literally the only thing that family is capable of

He already knows.

You know what’s not a fact? Anything where the person writing it feels it necessary to point out that it’s a fact.

question. why don’t they delete their tweets after they get fact checked and humiliated like this ???

His father IS the Epstein list 🤷‍♂️

There’s more ways in his little black book for Epstein to contact Trump than anyone else in there.

Don Jr. is 48 tomorrow, and he’s still totally impressed with his daddy, posts about him all the time and seems to be occupied by little else. The rest of us realized our dads were just normal dudes at age 13.

And then there’s also all the pictures in the public domain archiving their decades-long friendship. I don’t need to see flight logs. There was never any doubt in my mind.

He called Epstein a very good friend that likes young women the same as him. 

There’s also multiple instances of him hanging out with P. Diddy, just saying.

To clarify, on the whole I dont necessarily always subscribe to the idea that if there’s a photo of you with an individual that turns out to be guilty of horrendous crimes down the line that it automatically means you were guilty too or were somewhat complicit with what they were doing behind closed doors, people of Epsteins and Diddys stature rubbed shoulders with a lotttt of celebrities on a daily basis and shook hands with a lot of people who were oblivious. The point I will however make is that claiming Trump is one of the regular people fighting a secret war against the rich elite and morally awful people at the top is the dumbest shit imaginable, because he literally is part of that same elite, morally bankrupt circle and has been for decades.

The way these dipshits constantly invoke “my father” without any shame at all is fucking sad.

They don’t care about it. They only trumpet it because people with a conscience/sympathetic will think twice.
Ask yourself the question, when was the last time you met a republican who was either sympathetic or had a conscience? All they need is something to justify their choice of being Republican, because just saying money or whatever selfish reason they could would make them look cheap.

Does this imbecile even know what google is? I guess he just doesn’t possess enough curiosity or self awareness to want to even look beyond his back yard.

They gave him the koolaid in his baby bottle

If MAGA was capable of critical thinking, they’d be very upset.

Can we just ignore these idiots? 

It’s all well and good to call this guy stupid, because he is.

But he’s laughing all the way to the bank. There’s a non-zero probability that he’ll be President some day. Maybe some day very soon. I think the joke is on us.

If there are folks to mock for being stupid and not knowing how to read, there’s a long line leading to this guy.

So what was his reply to that? If any🤣

If he’s not on the list, your father paid someone to remove him.

I have no doubt his kid know of their fathers atraction to them and minors….

No one talks about the Epstein tapes since our collective memory is about as long as a pea

Why do these idiots keep bringing it up?

That family is so stupid

Donald Junkie Trump Jr…lie after lie

flight logs are just flight logs. they’re not “i had illegal sex” logs. that’s not the list he’s referring to.

All these rich paedophiles running around, Scot free, but yeah, Luigi is a “terrorist “. 🙄

Trump and party defense: “Nuh uh!”


I just picture ‘junior’ now, sitting in the Mar-a-lago basement since Covid, surrounded by his AR-15s and cocaine, waiting…endlessly waiting….for daddy to acknowledge him. As his brain slowly rots even further. The paranoid delusions are 24/7 now……But soon he will show them ALL!!!!

That….thing…. he married isn’t around now, shes off with *him*, running the party…….

*”It was supposed to BE MEEEE!”*

^((And not a tear was shed).)

He knows…

He’s just a liar.

Mentioned this to my dad and the cultified dude claimed Trump made a statement vehemently against Epstein, banned him from all his properties, etc

I ended the debate. Saved my breath.

What’s crazy is he’s right about one thing. He must have blinked during that half second when it leaked.

We could ask Epstein, but your dad had him killed.

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