I’mma tell my kids this is how it went

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the man literally bit down on a metal pipe connected to his piano to have the sound vibrate his skull to hear the music

“Being deaf doesn’t stop composers hearing the music. *It stops them hearing the distractions*.”

– Pterry

meanwhile ksi having a perfect hearing and still dropped a shitty song.

Sounds hard on mute 🔥🔥

When you vibe so hard you don’t even need to hear it. 🔥🎶

He basically played the music in his head and that was enough. Total legend

He looks like he’s in the middle of taking a shit

The original def jam

When you can’t hear, but you know you’re creating musical fire

Honestly, at this point, I’m telling my kids this was the real history

Smetana has entered the chat

He’s like one of those coders who sends out a fix without debugging yet it still works lmao

Aren’t Deaf people usually Half Deaf?

Here’s a really intriguing deaf percussionist.

It eill broaden your ehh
.. Ears to a whole new world of tactile listening.


In fact, I had no ide Evelyn was deaf until at least half way through.

**A U D I A T I O N**

Just like grant achatz from ‘Alinea’ in Chicago. Michelin star chef who lost his sense of taste and powered thru til it luckily came back.

Chefs table. Season 2. Episode 1. Crazy story

Isn’t it he can hear music through vibration and bones?

He’s the goat of all goats

I have a biography book of him. He basically introduced bass notes, powerful drums etc. since it was the only way for him to feel the rhythm. Higher notes he could only play in his head. So that’s why 5th and 9th are especially heavy bangers in some places. They made fun of him that he’s trying to demolish the concert hall. 
But there’s more. He would play his piano like a jackhammer so that he could hear something. His neighbors went nuts. Eventually his hearing disappeared  completely, so then he ripped off the strings and just pressed the mute keys, which evoked the right notes in his head.
It started in his early 30s btw, and progressed quickly.

He wasn’t deaf when he learned to write music and was probably never completely deaf

So you saw that one TikTok with all of the comments saying this too?

Was he born deaf?

Certified bangers…. No, literally

that’s goated

Who composed Beethoven’s Fifth?

bethan deserves attention

Comedy Sketch idea: All Beethoven’s contemporaries think his music is terrible, but don’t say anything because they don’t want to offend him.

Simple, he didn’t listen to any know it all or critics with sticks up their asses, heck, he didn’t listen to anyone

*Der scheiß ist wahrscheinlich Feuer

A Hater could have ended it all by saying it was crap

That’s being different right there.

Amazing that he was probably remember the sounds in his head and then assembling them. Also, the guy was a coffee fiend. Probably helped

Sounding probably

I imagine it was perfect pitch which he had. They can recreate pitches without a reference so all he had to do was put them together in his head and his biggest worry would be an out of tune piano

I’d argue he made only one banger whilst being deaf

I’m not buying it, he wasn’t deaf

You’ll never be able to procreate


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