Immigrant Elon Musk calming dealing with anti-immigrant MAGA

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Yes, this clearly is exactly who should be running our federal government. He’s so mature, stable, and rational.

Elon has lost the mandate of 4chan, his time is at an end, soon a new leader will rise from the scum of the internet.

Hahaha he is so angry and full of fear lol

Ooooooo!! He is letting them have it.

“Watch your tone when you speak to me.”

Big internet though guy vibes from that tweet

Elon came here on a visa? Best argument I’ve ever seen for cutting back on H1-Bs.

“I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend” is a sentence for which my 10th grade remedial English teacher would have sprayed me in the face.

Elmo is cooked.

Is he misquoting Tropic Thunder?

Good damn!

This is escalating quickly.

With MAGA eating their own I just can’t take all of the winning anymore.

So many leopards eating today I think they’ll go into a food coma…. Not even an hour to digest all this nonsense!

…. aaand this is where Elon realizes that he invested in the wrong team. Those are your people, you picked ‘em!

“By banning you from Twitter”

Targeting a low iq, heavily armed demographic with inflammatory, coded language. Bold move. Let’s see how this plays out.

Go to war on this? And fuck myself? The likes of which I can not understand?!

Whoa man please don’t. Oh no please god no. Oh no. I don’t want any trouble.

Shiver me timbers. Fuckin’ dork. No one is intimidated by you, dog.

Oh man he’s about to show us how much time he spent studying the blade

Hahahahahahaha this is fucking delicious

*MJ Eating Popcorn Meme*

Oh yeah. Escalate things Leon. Burn everything to the ground

Is this the case of someone trying to eat their own face before the leopard gets them?

The H1B program has been a simmering issue for years amongst many people for over 25 years now. A lot of folk across two or three generations have lost jobs to it.

Elons underestimating the anger which is as raging as against the health insurance industry.

Really gotta love how president musk has silenced vice president trump these last few days!

wow this is not a good look for a tech CEO and the world’s richest man using that language lol. We all take it for granted but when someone that high profile goes on this rant it is crazy.

Uh, there are major ITAR issues with H1B workers in US Aerospace…. ESPECIALLY ANYTHING TO DO WITH ROCKETS.

There’s a reason it’s very rare to see an H1B worker working anywhere in aerospace (and personally, I’ve never seen one in my entire career).

If he’s admitting to having used significant numbers of H1B engineers at SpaceX…this might be an issue for him.

The words of an insecure little man.

Musk came on a student visa and illegally worked. His ill-gotten gains should be seized and he should be deported.

He also abuses the H-1B so that he can pay indentured servants less than Americans. Reform the visa program and make the employers have to pay the foreign workers more than Americans and see how quickly they start hiring Americans again.

Hi, since I don’t have twitter and can’t believe anything on the internet – is this real?

On the topic of H1B in tech, the need for it is exaggerated.

The control over a visa holder is the main benefit because they can’t easily switch jobs. The law requires they get paid “similar” that they would pay an American so it’s not like someone is making 50k on a job that would pay an American 150k.

The top tier tech jobs that truly do struggle to find qualified Americans are rare in tech already, so the number of H1Bs they issue claiming it’s for these kind of jobs is a lie

I have worked with tons of H1Bs ranging from mid sized to Fortune 500 to now big tech. MOST of the work they have done is definitely doable by Americans. There are plenty of H1Bs doing the job I do today, and there are plenty of qualified Americans being turned away for these jobs because of convoluted 5 round interview processes, half of which tests knowledge that has nothing to do with the job

Oh no, so scary! “I will go to war”hahahahahahahaha. He’s pretending to be hard while sitting behind his keyboard, and being protected by paid security. What a weak ass little bitch! I’m shocked Mommy hasn’t stepped in to protect her persecuted little princess yet.

I want to see Leon’s war “the likes of which you have not seen”

He’s not going to do actual war, nobody believes his soft ass is capable of actual violence. He means a war of words, on his personal platform, the old Twitter. But what words will he use?

While Luigi is down in the tubes, we can expect Mario to come to town soon?

That’s the most Kendall Roy unintimidating shit talking I’ve seen from a real-ish person.

The likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend!!!1!!1

If you were wondering WHY tech CEOs were going to MaraLago to talk with Trump well here it is…they paid for it.

I’m just waiting for the Muskian version of, “Let them eat cake.” Then we shall see how ravenous the leopards truly are.

I was wondering how far President Musk would make it into his term before melting down like a 5-year old. Turns out, not that far.

I want cheap, exploitable labor to increase business margins. I pumped gobs of money into making sure I get it and will defend that investment / ‘go to war’ with **every**one who oppose me, even if it’s 200 million of you peons.

Copy that. Just remember you took the first swing. Don’t cry later, bitch.

So the guy who Trump chose to appoint to head an actual official government agency just told the American public, which include me and my children, to go fuck ourselves?  

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