Impeach him!

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LOL. Come on, guys. Trump staged a riot that put Senators in actual, physical danger and they still couldn’t find the sack to oust him. They’re right this second preparing to confirm Trump’s pick for the least qualified SecDef candidate in history.

Politics Video Channel. Sounds like the most reliable source

It won’t happen but gosh I would love that

Oh please. We were teased through the entirety of his first term with shit like this. 🙄

The senate will do jack shit

Such a reliable source

Sure, he caused a coup and didn’t face any repercussion’s, found guilty on 34 felonies still became president. If they didn’t do something by now they never will.

How the fuck are you going to get 20 Republicans to vote to impeach, when a less-MAGAfied, fresh off January 6th Senate only got 7, four of whom are no longer on office?

He’s sabotaging your country and bringing the whole world down with it… he’s seriously fucked up in his head

Get rid of him now if it’s not too late already . He has serious mental issues

Can we ban this account from being posted here? None of the shit they say is ever backed up by sources.

What the fuck kind of weight does a tweet from “PoliticsVideoChannel” have that would compel you to post this drivel?

Obviously, I would love this, but this has to be one of the most bullshit of bullshit sources for some bullshit that will never happen.

Someone file Articles of Impeachment for knowingly violating the 14th Amendment, thus not upholding the Constitution.

This account keeps posting shit like this. It should be ignored.

One of his first acts was to blatantly violate the Constitution. Remove him

Let’s go!
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As much as I would like to see it, there is no way this is accurate.

President JD Vance? Excuse me, I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Y’all, this is just another misinfo/rage bait channel. Let’s at least use trusted sources, please?

FYI this channel is pure rage bait and has no basis in reality.

This is a bullshit fake story Twitter account. Stop posting their shit.

“if the House votes to impeach”

What in the delusional fuck are you talking about.

No fucking way they have the votes. They didn’t the last two times, and literally nothing about the R party has changed.

Those votes would vanish tomorrow if the House voted to impeach.

The GOP is about wielding power. Nothing else.

That would be so funny until J.D. is sworn in.

Yall we tried this not once but TWICE last time. Recucklicans won’t let their orange daddy be held accountable

Let’s be careful what we wish for. Vance is just as awful as Trump and 28% less incompetent.

This is 100% not true, unfortunately.

I’m sorry but if you blindly believe this as being true, you are just a gullible as Trump voters. The fact that has this many upvotes is depressing.

No, they don’t have the votes. There is no way any GOPers are going along with this.

Clickbait at its finest.


DO IT NOW. Before he completely destroys our entire country. And this time, FOLLOW THE FUCK THROUGH!

Do it. He’s calling for violence against Fauci.

We did that twice before and it didn’t work back then. What makes you think it’ll work any better with a stacked SCOTUS now?

We gonna start saying this shit already and repeat it for the next 4 years?

In what fucking world is this true?! What a strange reality this person is living in

Lol, it probably won’t happen, but the fact that it’s being talked about 4 days in is kinda funny.

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