In 1986, Hofmann and her boyfriend Marco made a trip to Kenya. There, she met a Samburu wàrrior named Lketinga Leparmorijo and instantly found him irresistible. She left Marco, went back to Switzerland to sell her possessions, and, in 1987, returned to Kenya, determined to find Lketinga.

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Lketinga in 2020

Mother and daughter
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In her book she comes across as absolutely awful. Full on delusional and basically treating the Samburus as her own personal human zoo, where the fee is repeated malaria.


I don’t think it was just love that made her leave the comforts of her home behind but a brief obsession with the life that she found exotic.

Will a person go to such lengths to break the monotony of their life?

Marco dodged a bullet!!!!

This comment section was an actual rollercoaster.

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She sounds like a love addict, she probably created a whole narrative in her head about this guy and them being soulmates. It’s something I would do but keep it to myself


She sounds completely delusional.

Kenya blame her?


All documented on the BBC

I watch this happen every Sunday on 90 day Fiancé the other way.

So she leaves her bf on the fly and meets her soul mate in a marriage that lasted less than 4 years. Bipolar decision making skills here.

She may be mentally ill

This has all the makings of a Hallmark Christmas movie you will NEVER see.

“Woman trades her high-flying career boyfriend for simple small-town life to run a shop with a local she just met?”

“Yeah, but there’s a twist…”

She broke the “once you go black……” rule

How do you say, “I can fix her!” in Maasai?

She sounds pretty crazy based on the description

The winner in this story: Marco

“Let’s not do anything impulsive.”

How dare you, she lived in the moment! -Reddit

Good idea to read the book. It’s very good, it was a very hard decision for her to leave. Their marriage broke up because their social contexts were just too different, and every day behaviour was judged so differently. They both really tried.

I feel like Swiss ladies do this a lot
I have seen a similar scenario when I lived in South America

Lmao, she had a fling for a bad boy who was a drugged addict and it lasted 3 years where she also obv had a daughter…not surprised. I see that happens often with some type of people who evverywhere

Less than 3 years together..says it all. She probably lived her life in a delusional romantic dream inside her head…

This woman had mental issues

…and poor bastard Marco, just went off and fucked himself after thinking taking his girlfriend on a vacation to Kenya was a good idea.

He had a good Maasai job as a warrior, and he owned his own grass hut. Of course they didn’t have a TV, so Lketinga would sit around with the other warriors, chewing khat to get high, but…all the other warriors were doing that too.

The village had affordable health-care too. Every time she got malaria, the shaman would spread the holy mud on her buttocks and chant over her to force the demons to leave her body. He never charged more than one goat.

Why would she leave this? White women are crazy.

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