In 2010, a young Chinese asylum seeker was discovered on a flight to Vancouver after he was able to board it disguised as an elderly white man by wearing a remarkably effective silicone mask called The Elder which was made by a Hollywood-based company named SPFXMasks. He was released 3 months later

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>[He removed the mask]( in the aircraft lavatory later in the flight, and a passenger alerted the crew after a young Asian man tried to occupy the seat formerly occupied by what appeared to be an old white man. The crew questioned the man and then alerted authorities who took the man into custody after landing. He requested asylum in Canada, and was released on bond three months later…The incident was detailed in a confidential CBSA alert titled “Unbelievable Case Of Concealment”…In Hong Kong, an organized crime probe was launched after this case embarrassed security services, and several people were arrested and convicted in conjunction with this and related cases.

“There’s too much shit on me”

Maybe that’s what the problem was, the mask is too good. 

As realistic as the mask is, it still looks like a fake old guy lol.

They could tell by his slanted neck posture it was him

He didn’t even wanna be around anymore

Rupert Murdoch wouldn’t be flying coach

What kind of Scooby Doo shit was this lol

I mean.. how did the massive disproportional head not trigger any alarms?

Why didn’t Luigi do this?

I wonder how many times people have pulled off something similar without getting caught?!

“Remarkably effective”

Well, obviously not THAT effective.

Looks absolutely unrealistic lol

Lol this is crazy but I used to be friends with the person who runs that mask company! They have always been seriously talented!

Good thing the head didn’t explode after he took it off…

How did he board the plane in the first place tho?

“Asylum seeker”

Probably why he hid his identity.

Sorry, doesn’t pass the sniff test

There’s too much fucking shit on me.

The chin kills

Two Weeks

Obviously it was not effective enough

And for your meal, sir? “Chow mein”

He only got caught because the chin killed.

I’m having some Total Recall recall.

Looks like a Ghibli elder with that nose


He was discovered when a drug sniffing dog, mistook his head for a Kong…

Oh, wow! I’m going to check out that mask company!

Why the last image looks like Hector salamanca…

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