In 2010, the Bitcoin Faucet website gave away 5 bitcoins to every visitor who passed a captcha.

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!remind me in 100 days when I finally invent a time machine

If you had spent 5 minutes of your time and passed the captcha twice, you would be a dollar millionaire right now

In total, the service gave away 19,700 BTC or $1.97 billion at the current exchange rate

This makes me sad 🙁

with my luck I would either lose the private keys or just sell it when Bitcoin hit like 100

Being 14 in 2010 and not knowing anything about bitcoin was my biggest financial mistake in life

Captcha in 2025: oh we are not sure you are a robot or not

Captcha in 2010:


The one unemployed guy who was probably solving captchas on Tuesday afternoon in 2010:

Even if you did. You probably wouldn’t have held it all the way up to 2024.

This was around the time when that guy ordered pizza with his bitcoin.

I’d be mad af today.

Oh how I wish I had my keys from 2012…

I should have invested in Bitcoin when i was 10

Current prices are ~$95,000. So you would have $475,000 if you held on to them until now.

This opened a deep, dark pit in my stomach… pure despair

I hope the developer kept enough ease the pain a little lol

I remember doing this but I don’t know how I could find my Bitcoins

If only I knew how to use a computer at the age of four. Smh

I still remember sitting there in front of my computer one summer night back in 2009 having some beers and learning about bitcoin mining. Back then all you needed was an average PC to mine and I think you could bring in around 3,000 per day. I got bored while considering it and went back to playing Call of Duty.

Stop hurting me like this

I did this but then I sent to an address and didn’t understand the concept of a private key so never wrote it down fml

It’s obilerc. Hope I’m not too late!

I lost around 12 coins in Mt. Gox. All my gold is still sitting here.

Amazing. I was 12 and probably without Internet connection

No I’m pretty sure I got three

All I can think of is that interstellar scene when he’s looking at the video from space screaming no lol

I remember visiting the site but it didn’t actually work IIRC.

 I was probably a few days too late lol. 

Just so we’re clear, every single fucking one of us would have sold those coins long before they were worth anything near what they are today.

I blew so many bitcoin on humble bundle and cannabis seeds.

Way back machine

What would this be for. Bot farm?

Oh no, why am I remembering this? Did I own Bitcoin, do I own Bitcoin? Did I as a ten year old smartass just do it and then forget about it? Oh boy.

and here I was, when I was 4, wasting time trying to select the whole windows 7 logo of the default wallpaper on my dad’s laptop when I could had 5 bitcoins for free…

Maybe the free Doge I got from Robinhood will be worth $100k a coin, 15 years from now… /s

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