In 2011, a 29-year-old Australian bartender found an ATM glitch that allowed him to withdraw way beyond his balance. In a bender that lasted four-and-half months, he managed to spend around $1.6 million of the bank’s money.

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There was a soda machine that gave me two sodas when I pressed a certain button for months in high school. Pretty much the same thing.

I once saw an ATM machine in a food court spitting out 20’s. It held it out for 10-20seconds then sucked it back in. Spat it back out again. I was ready this time. I got 3 before it calmed the fuck down and just stopped. It was an awesome lunch break that.

then what happened?

And they never actually found out if i remember correctly. He basically turned himself in.

When I was in college, my classmates and I went to an arcade. There was one game where you had to lasso a bull, and each bull had a number. The higher the number, the harder it was to catch, but it also meant you would get more coins if you captured it. To go for bulls with higher numbers, you had to hammer or slam your palm on a button many times, really hard. I remember accidentally lassoing a calf (a young bull) that was worth just 1 coin—it was the easiest one. After I caught it, the token clanged into the machine’s dispenser, and to our surprise, it dispensed more coins than indicated. So, we just kept lassoing the calves and ended up accumulating a lot of tokens. It was hilarious!

Funny detail; he wend to a shrink because of the $80k hidden away, the guilt it produced gave him anxiety attacks. 😛

Dan Saunders is his name.

[Dan Saunders and Willem Powerfish](

Man I would have fucking disappeared.

Going on a bender is stupid.

And instead of being sensible and set for life he pissed it all away, felt guilty and confessed.

What a dork !!

Perhaps a dumb thought.. I wonder if he just siphoned a massive amount of money in the space of a week, hid it all, then reported his card stolen. Laid low, played dumb through the investigation, and then lived off the cash.. would he have still have gotten caught?

[Joeseppi did a good video if you wanna learn more!](

When is it my turn?

Just a guy living his best life for 4 1/2 months

If I am reading about this, it means it didn’t end well for him

There is a decent podcast with him
The glitch

He’s a decent dude , could of got away with it but handed himself in basically

This guy couldn’t keep his mouth shut


He is an absolute Mad Lad

I exploited the fuck out of my gyms vending machine. I had 50 bucks of balance on my gym card, you had to hold the card to the vending machine to order. When my balance was down to like 4 bucks, I lost my card and got a new one and only noticed by accident that it reset my balance to 50 bucks.

Guess who ate a protein bar with a vitamin water every single day for two years 😀 good times.

Should bought BTC…

Like 15 years ago me and a buddy hit up a counter for some money before a road trip. We noticed it was rejecting all of our coins but still counting them. We got that sucker up to $300 before we started garnering too many eyes. We lived like kings that trip

It’s not a “glitch” you’re just stealing… “I found a glitch if you open someones window you can just take the items inside”.

There is a podcast called “The Glitch” and he explains the whole thing, he also tells heaps of crazy stories of what he and his friends got up to. It’s a great listen

Mum said it was my turn to [post]( this one tomorrow

In the 90s, in the US, there were a lot of soda machines that would short out and drop the whole inventory if you poured salt water into the coin slot. Or so I’ve heard…

Way to go

What a wild turn of events—going from bartender to treasure hunter in one incredible discovery!

Free money glitch? oops it’s just checking fraud

Going on a spending spree and then still buying Heineken? Don’t get me wrong, its alright (especially their 0,0) but so overpriced for the taste you get. With the same money you can buy better ones out there.

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