In 2016, a Domino’s Pizza employee in Oregon noticed that a regular customer, who ordered almost every day for years, suddenly stopped. Concerned, the employee asked for a welfare check. Police found the man in distress, having suffered a medical emergency, and saved his life.

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Before asking a welfare check, they first sent a delivery driver to check on him, and when there was no response, the driver called 911.

I’m sure he was a kind and nice guy, and that’s probably why the employees remembered him once he stopped ordering pizza.


We once had a pizza delivery person comment, “hey yall moved the couch!”

At that point we knew we ordered waaaaay too much pizza.

Years ago, I’m talking like late 90’s here, I worked at Domino’s as a driver on the day shift. I think it was 1998, so I was 18, and we had a lady that would order from us twice a day. She didn’t need to call or anything, she had a standing order for a sandwich and a 20 oz Coke for lunch and then a medium hand tossed pepperoni with two 20 oz Cokes for dinner. Lunch was always delivered to her promptly at noon and dinner was at 5:30.

She was a very nice older lady, but extremely obese (talking close to 500 lbs.) and due to that, she was basically immobile. She did have home nursing care, and the nurses would help move her around from room to room when they were there.

The day driver, usually me since we only had two drivers during the day, knew to pick up the morning paper and the mail from the mailbox and bring it into the house. My shift was usually over by 5, but if we were busy I’d end up taking her dinner order too. For obvious reasons, she left the door unlocked and she always had a check for the exact amount, plus a $10 bill, on a table by the door.

Very similar to this story, I went over to her house for her lunch delivery and the door was locked…..which had literally never happened over the 300+ times I’d been there. Left it on her door step with the assumption that the nurses would take it in when they came later in the afternoon. Came back for her dinner delivery and her lunch order was still there.

Went back to the store and told my manager, who also knew the lady from his driving days, and he called the police for a welfar check. We never found out what exactly happened, but a couple days later her daughter came by and told us that she had passed and me being a dumb kid at the time….first thing I asked was “Why did she order for Domino’s every day?” Her daughter said that she didn’t care about the food….she just wanted some human contact and someone that would talk to her.

So here I am, almost 25 years later and I still vividly rememeber that lady and I still live in the same general area and every time I see her house, I’m reminded of all the dumb things we would talk about. It didn’t mean much to me at the time, but it made her day a lot better.

Yeah, having domino’s pizza every day will do that to you.

Damn Kristen Stewart out here saving lives

That’s great she did that but who the fuck eats Domino’s everyday for years lol

Medical emergency- brought on by excessive oily pizza consumption no doubt.

On the one hand, pizza everyday can kill you. On the other, it can save your life.

They look eerily similar

this is what community looks like

Cool story, especially since I did not know there were Domino’s diehards out there.

Funny, he doesn’t look like Brendan Frazier

I feel like if you are ordering Domino’s every day you might want a wellness check anyways

Eating pizza daily can definitely do this to you. I hope he’s okay.

I’m curious if the medical emergency was due to the fact that the guy ate pizza every day for years.

Wholesome af ❤️


Was he having a heart attack as he ate in Dominos every day?

Was the medical emergency due to eating Domino’s everyday?

He was trapped under hundreds of old Domino’s pizza boxes

Dominos daily? Kudos to the employee but it’s not really a wonder he had health problems.

He eats pizza almost every day and isn’t fat??? This is BS.

Imagine getting a fucking Dominoes every day.

For years.

That should’ve been a cause for alarm.

Some people are hero’s without capes, seriously though good on this woman! I hope she has a happy life for her future.

a pizza a day keeps the death away

Plot twist: he was choking on a Pizza Hut slice

In high school my dad left me $25 a day for dinner when he went to work and I often ordered dominos, the same order a couple times a week. Once I grew up I stopped ordering it. After like a decade I ordered again because my teenager wanted some pizza and the delivery driver was one of the same ones who used to deliver to me all those years ago. He said they thought I moved or died when they stopped getting my orders. I was shocked that I was even a blip on their radar but I guess it makes sense I was a regular there for a long time.

Pizzas save life.

Awesome story

Almost a decade ago…….

Makes me think of The Whale and his pizza deliveries lol.

Lmao the papa John’s by my previous place I lived knew my name and order by heart lol

Guy’s lucky the police didn’t give him another medical emergency.

Truly love this. Is there a trend with Dominos employees where they are simply compassionate? I was away for two months and then went to grab a pizza when I finally got home. The first thing the guy at my local Donnie’s asked was if I was okay because he hadn’t seen me in a long time. H

Pizza almost ended and saved his life.

A good friend of mine use to order pizza a few times a week for years. When he got on a health kick and stopped ordering, they actually called to check up on him and make sure he was still alive!

Fantastic story. Let’s make it Christmas themed and put it on the hallmark channel. OR make it so that she saves him from a cult/occult/drugs/abusive partner and it can be an A24 Cannes entry. bam.

When I delivered pizza we had quite a few regulars, weekly tho not daily. For a lot of them we’d just start making their pizza about when we knew they’d call or come in. One time I was delivering a guy’s pizza that got it every Thursday at 7PM delivery for some show he watched, and he pulled in his drive behind me and asked why I was there. He’d gotten stuck late at work and hadn’t called in an order since didn’t know when he was going to get home.

Dominos everyday would certainly cause a medical issue. haha

Guy in his late 40s had a stroke after eating dominoes pizza multiple times a week for years, I wonder what happened….

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