In 2016, a guy hijacked an Egyptian airline with explosives packed to him. A British man on board asked for a picture with the hijacker as it was happening

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The bombs were fake btw.

Is this the one where the Egyptian prime minister said “he’s not a terrorist, he’s an idiot”?

EDIT: it was the foreign ministry spokesman

i mean what else are you gonna do really?

The British guy specifically did this so that the authorities could determine whether or not the explosives were legitimate

“I’m not trapped in this plane with you. You’re trapped in this plane with *me*.”

Fucking legend

Mf smiling like an Aardman character

I can just imagine a Brighton accent, “oh how exciting. I haven’t felt adventure since my gap year”

someone send this to hard poses on instagram immediately

On March 29, 2016, EgyptAir Flight MS181 took off from Alexandria for Cairo but was diverted to Larnaca, Cyprus, after Seif Eldin Mustafa claimed he was wearing an explosive belt—later discovered to be fake. All passengers and crew were safely released, and the hijacker surrendered without causing any physical harm. Reports indicate Mustafa hijacked the plane to communicate with his ex-wife, who lived in Cyprus, suggesting that his motivation was largely personal rather than politically driven. After being apprehended by the Cypriot authorities, he was extradited to Egypt, where he was ultimately sentenced to life in prison.

Very interesting read regardless, I don’t know what was the thought process behind this decision.

He did it so the cops could look at the picture and determine if the bomb was real. He looks goofy as hell but to be fair the only way to pull that off and not draw suspicion is to present yourself as incredibly socially naive and just downright stupid.

Death smiles at us all…

The bomber kinda looks like he smiling

When fear meets absurd confidence

If this is real, nahhhhh really??

Which guy is the hijacker?

The eternal optimist.

The hijack jacker. Top man, it has to be said..even if he’s smiling like an idiot.

Coming soon to theaters near you:
Highjacker, starring Fred Armisen.

Absolute mad lad

Say Boom!

an original photo bomb

“Jerry O’Connell asked for a selfie…”

I fixed it for ya

Am I the only one who thought this was Jerry O’Connell?!?!

How has this not become a meme yet?

– British
– Big lad
– Wears polo shirt
– Looks like he’s had a few cheeky wines on the flight
– Unthinkingly does dumb shit (like this) for a laugh

– Definitely plays rugby

Ello what’s all this then?

“Did we just become best friends!?l”

British dude had balls of steel…

At that point, why the hell not.


If Im not wrong the picture was a tool to see more clearly if the explosive artifacts were real or fake

The Origin of the Photobomb

Seems like a chill guy. I hate it when a terrorist takes themselves too seriously.

Alcohol was involved, no doubt.

The hijacker looks so annoyed lol.


How dafuck did he smuggle that shit onboard.. I mean really, Egyptian TSA must be trash.


that’s how legends are made LOL

The balls!!

That big ass dude could’ve KO’ed him easily in a split second.

I mean I guess he wanted to go out with a 💥…📸🧀 CHEEEEEEEEESE

Seen this imagine tons of times and ever time I wonder. “How do you ask a terrorist for a picture?” Do you hit with the “excuse me” or “yo my man”. Or seeing as he’s British he probably said “care for some tea my good lad”

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