In 2019, Amanda Eller vanished for 17 days in Maui’s forests after a short hike went wrong. Without a phone, food, or water, she got lost after straying from the trail. Despite severe sunburn, leg injuries, and losing her shoes, she survived on berries, stream water, and sleeping in leaves.

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When they say ‘trust your gut,’ I don’t think they meant it for navigation! Glad she made it out safely, though.

Getting lost for 17 days in the wilderness with no supplies is the og ozempic

I thought it was suspicious too until I actually saw the interview. She injured herself, couldn’t walk. There you go. How you gonna get anywhere when you’re disabled.

Granted, I have my phone with me when I go hiking, I also bring my handheld GPS and mark my car when I first get there. That way, no matter what, I can find my way back to my car. My GPS also leaves breadcrumbs on the screen so I can see the particular path I took, although if it’s going to be a long trip, I’ll turn off the GPS until I need it again. I can’t imagine going on a hike like that with no orienteering items, or snacks and water at least. Am glad she’s ok.

If my gut instinct leads me astray I’ll stop trusting it after the fifth year tops

Damn, looks like 17 years. Intermittently fasting you say….

This is why knowing your cardinal directions and how to find them with no tools is sooo very important.

I’d need a lot more than 17 days to get that skinny.

My cardinal rule for myself when I get lost: For the love of God do not listen to your gut YOU WILL DIE

Here’s a follow up article from last year too. [](

Downhill usually leads to the ocean…

This looks like a before and after picture for Survivor.

Maui is 64km long and 21km whide. She had to go max 32km in one direction to find the coast. It should be possible in one day. She could move along the coast until she found some kind of civilzation. 144.000 people life at Maui. What the fuck did she do for 17 days?

On an island that small, to get lost for so long… are the forests really that dense there, or just the people?

Granted Maui is bigger than I thought, but it’s difficult to believe it’s ‘lost for 17 days’ big. After a week I may have just started following the planes since the island has 3 airports. This woman really wasn’t made for the outdoors.

This one trick weight loss trainers don’t want you to know.

At the risk of sounding ignorant:

#How do you get lost on Maui for 19 days?

Lots of locals called bullshit on this.

Looks like she spent about a week on the streets of Portland.

My cousin is best friends and went to school with this girl. Cousin even flew out to help search.

I think she was the typical bonehead that wasn’t prepared for the evolution.

Always, always, ALWAYS (ESPECIALLY if you’re going alone) have a lighter, a knife, and water purification tablets. This stuff can literally fit in your pocket.

ALSO, always, always, ALWAYS send SOMEBODY a text describing what you’re about to go and do, ESPECIALLY if you’re alone.

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