In 2025, it’s the Wild, Wild West Wing

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The Whitehouse is becoming a crime conglomerate.

Always was. SpaceX wouldnt even exist without NASA contracts, but now Elon thinks he can fully replace NASA and get the entire budget (plus more). He’s always been the biggest immigrant welfare queen in history.

A tale as old as time, republicans take money away from the people and into the hands of special interest groups, nothing has changed.

Put in context, we’ve had some major and incredible breakthroughs regarding our understanding of the universe thanks in large part to the JWST, and there are at least 3 (maybe 4?) other major telescopes planned in the next couple decades. This is probably the most significant decade for astrophysics since Hubble, and arguably the beginnings of xenobiology as a fully developed scientific field.

All of that is jeopardized thanks to this. Musk is going to hold the keys to the future hostage unless he is paid off.

Genuinely, if we care about the future of science and space exploration, the best we could hope for is that SoaceX somehow blows itself up.

So the corrupt billionaire is planning on screwing over the country for his own personal gain?


That’s what Trump did with the whitehouse last time. Why is anybody expecting anything different this time?

Just wait until they start talking about selling off public recreation lands for rich people to build on.

The GOP platform is specifically designed to permit billionaire business owners to make money. They 1) defund government programs, 2) complain defunded organizations aren’t doing their jobs, and 3) sell off government funded programs to their buddies.

Every day, it just feels like anyone with even the tiniest bit of sense and a basic understanding of history is screaming out about the growing fire while the incoming administration just keeps adding gas to the flames.

“Fire! Fire! Get the hose! Grab the extinguishers!” Meanwhile their constituents are sitting on the couch googling “will the fire burn *me* too or just the people I don’t like?” I hate this timeline…

I just hope our shareholder overlords will trickle down the profits onto us
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And R is for Regulatory Capture.

I’ve just read Deception Point by Dan Brown and the similarities are quite striking!

Putin divided state-owned infrastructure and organizations formed by the Soviet state and gave them to his KGB-linked associates who have always known Putin could take their properties or their lives at his whim. We Americans are fortunate that we can rely upon MAGA stupidity to know they will follow Putin’s path exactly.

It’s about making a small group of already obscenely wealthy people even richer. Fuck them all.

This has been excruciatingly obvious to me since the day []( was updated in January 2017.

That’s what all of this is. They are creating a power vacuum that will be filled by private industry with no government oversight…. Good job MAGAts.

No one is mentioning what the richest man in the world is getting for a salary to run an efficiency department while also running tesla, X, space X and undermining freedom. I’m sure he’s doing this “for free”. Can you imagine what he’s getting paid from our taxes while impacting policies that us poor folks get to endure? So great man. Such freedom

How are Americans just figuring this out? Obvs. Internationally, everyone knew this is the plan. It’s not ROCKET SCIENCE

It’s like a hostile takeover but for the government.

If only there was someone in a position to protect the American people and investigate the people involved 4 years ago or something then we could have prevented all of this from happening.

Anyone with half a brain knew it was never about anything other than that. It’s always the end goal of right-wingers everywhere, with varying degrees of openness and success.

Directing Oligarchy Gains Exclusively

This was obvious to everyone, right?…

Sure, and forcing 5 days a week in the office for Federal employees isn’t efficient, it’s just being dicks to be dicks.

Said this right after the election: it’s cyberpunk now. This is the paradigm shift happening for this century, the neoliberal order that defined the 20th century with nations attempting to work together and become a global society is going to be replaced by a corporatocracy where companies and entities are elevated above nations, above people, and above laws. Those who can make will elevate, and those who can’t…basically just watch or read any dystopian cyberpunk stuff from the last 50 years to get a glimpse of what life is gonna be like by the end of the century.

Thank god I’ll be dead by then

Nationalization of all private business is what every new dictator does.  Why is anyone surprised?

A big “Duh” from me. It’s why Tesla stock skyrocketed and bitcoin prices have gone up so much. People know what the game is. Trump is about grift and corruption and he’s surrounding himself with other grifters.

Good luck on them egg prices

Anyone could see that Elon wanted to funnel NASA into SpaceX. And yeah… he’ll fuck it up all with his mission of being Mars’ Neil Armstrong. It’s all about him. Being an extreme narcissist is why he, and Trump get along for now. There is enough attention and spoils. Until there isn’t.

Next up: Amtrak

It’s amazing people bought the bullshit.

Nah. Can’t be that stupid.

The goal is to create oligarchs like Russia

Can’t stop regulations? Fire the regulators. Can’t get another contract? Destroy the responsible agency.

I guarantee NARA is in the crosshairs after embarrassing Trump for his own document hiding

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