In all my years on tumblr…

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When you get married, your spouse becomes part of your family. Sex with your wife is incest.

Reminder to stretch first before you do this level of mental gymnastics, keep yourself safe and healthy

5 original takes remain.

tumblrised reincarnation of sigmund freud

But how can you fall for someone who’s not even your friend? Like, you don’t know them. Who knows what they’re up to?

Just fyi, wanting to throw whatever you have in the freezer in to cook because there’s nothing else in comes from the same desire as cannibalism, pretty suspect to me. /s

The worst part: if this is the post I’m thinking of, they weren’t villifying having sex with your friends, they were defending incest.

sometimes you just see crazy people online and it helps make you feel a little more sane

Tumblr users be like. I thought it so it must be true

This reminds me of the old argument that the Catradora ship from She-ra was essentially incest, because they were kinda-sorta raised as siblings and shared a ‘mother’?

Never mind that all the Horde cadets were raised communually in a military academy, so it’s more like falling in love with a classmate… but I can kind of see the logic, even if I don’t agree with it.

I can see where the idea comes from, it’s not right, but I can understand what path they took to reach that conclusion 

Our Father, who art in Heaven, please keep me from cutting a bitch. (Both my parents were abuse survivors, and that take is an insult to survivors.)

So, I get the logic – wanting to fuck somebody due to availability, rather than desirability.

I just don’t thi k it’s a take worth having. Some thoughts should make you go “huh, that’s funny” and then file it away to be dropped down the memory hole.

unironically for me. i came out after high school but never felt sexual attraction to my high school friends, and the thought of sex does kinda feel like incest because I’ve known them for so long. but that’s just how i feel about mine

Tumblr has some of the craziest motherfuckers, I love it. lmao

Tumblr really is its own form of brainrot

I guess I can go die then since I’ve only ever been able to be romantically attracted to someone once a close friendship is developed.

Blood is thicker than water but both are thinner than cum

The worst take I ever heard is, “Why are you sad that you can’t marry the person you love? I’m not married to my sister, for one”

Dr. Freud, didn’t know he reincarnated

wtf is the point of a significant other if they are not your friend??

Maybe I am from Alabama, then

(JK, lmfao)

Regardless of the truth of this statement, having sex with your friends does not come with any of the downsides that incest does.

Freud-ass take

Not to sound like your average dickhead internet bully, OP, but I feel like a lot of your issues can be solved by logging off Tumblt, going outside, and finding either a therapist or a girlfriend. Preferably both, and preferably separate people.

I’m going to fuck all my friends twice as much just to spite this dumbass

I personally see my friends as something like cousins—if I become friends with someone I physically can’t have romantic feelings for them anymore—but not everybody does, it’s not a hard concept to grasp

Yeah that post needs to be drowned fr

tumblr users have randomly generated opinions

I feel like this might comes from some actual psychology but everyone keeps making fun of it because of how insane it sounds.

Sending this to my friend I want to have sex with

No wonder I’ve always liked fucking my friends

Wait until I tell my wife that we are actually kinky

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