In Arcane (2021-2024) Violet and Cait’s sesbian lex scene doesn’t have severe nudity. This is because the League of Legends creators and players don’t know what a woman looks like.

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I’m sure there’s a French version that has it all.

Fun fact, it was written as longer and more explicit but Netflix chided them for it.

This scene is really, really funny bc it’s genuinely hornier than most porn I’ve seen despite not showing a single nip, that’s frankly impressive

Stupid sexy lesbian lex

Now I’m just imagining Lex Luthor as a lesbian

No, this is because league of legends players prefer male gay sex

Because for some reason showing the deaths of children (including a decapitation), having the main character attempt a very violent suicide multiple times, and lots of gore is fine, but god forbid someone sees a nipple. That would just be too much for the viewers 

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Still wasn’t nearly as gay as whatever Jayce and Viktor got going on.

Spoilers sheesh

what is “severe nudity”


Why is no one spoiler tagging anything for this show

Sesbian Lextech

Anyone else thought this scene felt out of place? Like moments before this, Jinx literally said >!she was gonna kill herself!< and VI was just like “imma get this puss”. GO HELP YOUR SISTER

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The rule 34 artists sure as fuck do when they make their portraits or animations.

All of this talk, and not a single link to any R34 good versions of things? Well darn guys.

Spoilers my guy spoilers…

Still less gay than that final moment between Viktor and Jayce thoufh

Why go after suicidal sister when you can have prison cell sex

They’re the legends of runeterra creators actually, seeming as they had so much time, not coding in voicelines.

And they did it on concrete, thats probably not cleaned

Fuck I thought this was season one and I forgot it so now this is the only season 2 scene I’ve watched 🗿

I mean the creators probably do given all the sexual misconduct lawsuits from the female staff. 

How could they have a full nude scene when Vi couldn’t figure out how to get Caitlyn’s pants off lol

Also it’s a pretty violent show… definitely not for kids. But there’s no swearing

Even the woman player ?

The CCP censored the scene sadly

im sad cait is lesbian, i cant sleep

I was shocked with VI’s man boobs lol

Well played.
It’s probably so true.
Some poor nerd in the back office is crying right now.

Posting this on Reddit, pot really calling the kettle black there

The type of people who give the most scolding don’t know what a woman is like? Don’t fuck around, buddy

This scene was so stupid imo. Fucking in the jail cell like that was straight up a porn plot.

I mean, you joke but they had that scene of Vi sleeping in bed with makeup on. Which no woman would do. So…

Ew I only wanna see naked men having sex

That scene felt like it came completely out of nowhere after how much more tasteful they were with showing Jayce and Mels relationship in s1

What is *severe* nudity?

In r/shittymoviedetails (2024) leg0_crusader doesn’t write lesbian sex in the title.
This is because Reddit posters are afraid that fewer likes will be added to their posts if they choose the nsfw tag, and in the same time undermining their point by being immature about the topic the wanna discuss.

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Weirdos being horny about some animated drawing.

Man, literally just started S2 today.

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