In Arcane (2021) the creators, unaware that deaf people can see, have started including clothing descriptions in closed captions.

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I’m afraid your joke is too clever for this subreddit. You will be summarily ignored in favor of repeating the same joke. This is a reference to nothing in particular.

this is high key the funniest thing ever posted to this sub

I guess we doing pants now

I learned an interesting thing about pants the other day. Etymologically it comes from ‘pantaloons’, which in turn came from ‘Pantalone’, a character in Italian stage play that has a very complex history as an old dotard and representative of money.

alright that got an actual laugh from me

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what’s wrong with her pants?!

You stupid bastard. Iā€™m upset at how much I laughed.

The best one is in stranger things season 4 (eleven pants)

Nah, those aren’t pants she got eaten by half a circus tentšŸ˜”

I hate that the majority of media has subtitles ONLY for deaf people. Why can’t we get subtitles for dialogues only? I just want to understand the dialogue while music and blasts are destroying my eardrums, not get a huge ass text “[LAUGHS WHILE KILLING EVERYONE FOLLOWED UNEXPECTED AND SUDDEN EXPLOSION]

What are we, some kinda pants?

I’m confused. I see a raver poking out through the top of a half eaten circus tent.

That isn’t pants. That’s a woman.


Took me a second but I got there.

Good shit

I cannot forgive anyone shitting on this show

But this was pretty funny

In the UK years ago pants was slang for asshole.

I thought the subtitles showed the things I want to get into

Thankfully deaf people can enjoy the show while avoiding the soundtrack.

Sing the praises of pants!

laughed a bit too much at this!

This is the type of high brow humor I like to start my day with.

Or did they just lump it together with blind’s voice summaries?

This wins the sub imo

Thank you

yā€™all remember 11 pants. does anybody know what iā€™m talking about

That got a snort outta me I admit. Took me a minute to process it too.

Yo this is FUNNY

10/10 OP


Looks like a half eaten circus tent.

What’s wrong with my PANTS?

Okay. That got air out of my nose and deserves an upvote

Movies are really fucking bad now holy shit

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