In Australia, your tax return document shows where your tax money was spent

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We need this in the United States!!!

That is how it should be everywhere

I’ve heard that the government in Austrailia takes care of the entirety of your tax return.

You can get that in the UK.

I would love to see this. It’s my fucking money…where are you using/wasting it?

A perfect lesson in government accountability and encouragement to reflect on your own citizenship

We have this in the UK.

Is there a colomn for corruption?

We need this in all countries!


We have this in the UK too.

Most people in the UK don’t actually have to file a tax return (it mostly applies to people with non-salary income sources like the self employed, or to those on higher incomes), but anyone can log in to their annual tax summary on and see the split of how their taxes get spent.

We have this in Scotland, I believe its called a P60.

They also vote on Saturday. It is almost like a national holiday. Places give out free stuff. While over here in the first world we vote on Tuesday and if you don’t have an id you are fucked in some places.

We don’t have this in America because it would just be one bar that says corrupt politicians.

Imagine receiving one for a year you didn’t pay any….

Wow how descriptive lol wish US had this

Unfortunately the people who get angry claiming all their tax goes to “dole bludgers” don’t read this letter.

Health $420 nice

Immigration being second to last is a good thing to read which could nullify populist arguments

Or it’s just Australia doing absolutely bare bones for imitation

Nice. Mine is going into Elon’s pocket. Or maybe somewhere else. I literally have no way of knowing.

I wish I only paid $3k AUD in taxes

Where’s the line item for money laundering or bribing left wing politicians? Or is that an American only thing

Government’s Year wrapped is actually crazy!

Doesn’t mention the tax money used on politicians using helicopters and private planes like an uber

Imagine having that much trust in your government to not lie to you.

I’m sorry, is their national debt going down? Anyone else jealous af?



Without looking at this report i can maybe guess where the majority of my taxes went…probably supporting wars and welfare.


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