In Breaking Bad (2008-2013) Skyler has a natural reaction to finding out her husband is a sociopathic drug manufacturer, but this isn’t ok because she is a woman.
the people who love Skylar and hate Walt would never run a successful methamphetamine business, and it shows.
3 months ago
Yeah, I’ve really never understood the takes that are all supportive of Walt and hate Skyler. Walt makes the most selfish choice he can at pretty much every step of the way, and in the end, finally admits to himself that it was never about his family; it was all about himself. That shows me that the writers of the show know what they were doing, too, and that Walt isn’t a villain just by accident.
Edit: I have concluded (after reading a shitton of comments) that maybe most people should have just been a few years older before they watched this show for the first time. Early teenage years is not a prime time for media literacy for most.
3 months ago
Because the people who hate Skyler thought Walter was this flawed hero while they misunderstood why he was actually a horrible person.
3 months ago
It’s reality. And reality sucks.
3 months ago
I am rewatching the show after just having a child and have a whole different perspective of her character. Outside of the affair (which honestly seems weird for her), she is not wrong on pretty much anything. She is fairly justified and not the b-word I thought she was the first time. Walter is nuts. He could have had his treatment paid for except he hated the people.
She is completly right most of the time (except the affair, that was a bitch move).
But she is (by intention) written like the stereotypical suburban mom who constantly complains about anything and isn’t really supportive of her husband (even before cooking drugs).
Walt and Skylar are both very flawed charakters, but we see things from Walts perspective most of the time, so we understand his struggle, while we see Skylar mostly as an obstacle to the plot.
3 months ago
3 months ago
Bro is acting like this is a hot take
3 months ago
Nah, Walter junior is even worse and he isn’t a woman
3 months ago
People hate Skylar because she’s a Bitch at the start before she has any reason to be. She controls Walts life, even his potential death, in many ways. She’s passive-aggresive, selfish and mean initially, judging Walt for what she believes to be a genuine medical emergency, bullying him into chemo, makes his illness all about her.
By the time she gets genuine reason to be angry with Walt, the audience has already made up their mind on her and choose not to sympathise with her. As Walts becomes worse, she becomes much better, but people are stuck with their first impressions.
It’s much easier to loose a reputation than repair one.
3 months ago
I never see anyone complaining about Skyler anymore. Now it’s just people complaining about people complaining about Skyler years after the show stopped airing and the complaints have already subsided. Anyways here’s a quote that applies pretty aptly here.
*”Annoying characters are worse than criminal characters because the crimes are fictional but my annoyance is very real.”*
3 months ago
This show has literal nazis and drug dealers,but the most hated character is a woman who doesn’t like his husband having a drug empire
3 months ago
Her character is introduced (purposefully) as an unlikeable character. She’s not wrong about her reaction to her husband being a drug lord, but her personality is like nails on a chalkboard so we chuck all that aside. Very well written! I still cannot stand her character, fantastic actress!
3 months ago
Honestly I don’t think it’s because she is a woman.
I think it’s because watching Walter achieve mastery and be super competent in something – even if illegal – is quite simply fun.
You see it time and time again when the main hero of a movie or a tv show is someone who breaks the law. Movies about con artists, assassins, master thieves etc. – it is enjoyable to watch them in their prime, when they are so cool even if we know that it’s wrong.
In my opinion she is hated not because she is a woman but simply because she is a party pooper. She brings harsh reality to this cool fantasy and we, as the viewers, don’t want it to stop. We want to see Walter expand his empire, dance around other criminals and escape justice. It’s fun to watch and bringing out consequences is being a downer.
3 months ago
She fucked Ted.
3 months ago
If the genders on the show were reversed and it was a husband who started off as ‘normally supportive, plus normal problems’ and understandably spiraled down into unhappy lashing out, cheating, etc due to his wife’s behavior I probably wouldn’t like him either. I really don’t believe it’s a gender thing. It isn’t fun to watch and makes me cringe during their screen appearances.
It has nothing to do with whether it’s justified or not. And, in Skyler’s case, she made enough bad decisions – under great stress, yes – that her morality/justification is…complicated. IMO she made the leap to unredeemable when she refused to help Hank in the end. Game over, Skyler.
3 months ago
People always on the side of protagonist.
3 months ago
Is that really why people hate Skyler? It’s not why I dislike her.
3 months ago
Isn’t she okk with it though once they find a cover story and they can actually spend the money though? That’s what I always thought she was some what hated for.
3 months ago
On rewatch- Skylar’s very first moments in the show, her introduction to us, is the exact trope of a nagging, mean, no fun bitchy wife. I hate it. She was set up to be disliked. A cheap thing for the writers to do. She could have been so much more interesting and sympathetic to us but the writers wanted us on Walt’s side as much as we could be from the get go, rooting for him and irritated with her, making her the false antagonist of the show. The actress did a phenomenal job but I think she was miscast looks wise. I don’t believe them as a couple, can’t imagine how they got together in the first place, (I know you can argue that that’s on purpose) but if it is it never really pays off. They are so wrong together. I wish they had written and cast a more sympathetic character/actor as Skylar.
3 months ago
I didn’t like Skylar because they couldn’t figure out what to do with her. She was no Carmela Soprano is all I am saying.
3 months ago
Skyler defenders seem to forget she had countless opportunities to turn Walt in and protect their kids, but decided she’d rather attempt to live with the lie and the money. Most egregiously when her lawyer tells her the clearly right thing to do and she doesn’t do it.
3 months ago
Not that you’re wrong, but I also think it had to do with Bryan Cranston bringing some charisma to the roll, being able to make WW likeable, causing people to side with him.
If WW had an obnoxious personality, most people would have been on her side. Yeah, Skylar, fuck that guy.
People find someone really unlikable, they judge them much more harshly. Walter had a certain charm while Skylar was kind of nitpicky, a perfectionist with a nagging side. So people overlook all the things Walter did to her while and other people while he was building his meth empire.
3 months ago
Skyler was sort of a victim of Season 1’s setup. The whole point was that they made Walt’s family be such extreme assholes to him in season 1 to make the viewer understand why he wants to get away from it all and make meth. Nobody in his life respects him, at home or at work. This setup comes off as cheap in hindsight, as his family isn’t as shitty as the series goes on. I still love breaking bad, but they really do make Walt’s family comically evil in Season 1, only to make them develop into decent people out of thin air after that. Except Walt Jr. Walt Jr. can still go hobble himself off a bridge 😂
3 months ago
One of the reasons breaking bad is one of the best shows of all time
3 months ago
I mean she could have respected his wishes which was to die. But no lashed out at anyone for it and guilt tripped him when she didn’t even see how much one treatment costs. Her sister was like we should respect his wishes and she went after her because she didn’t do as she wanted. Skylar is selfish as hell, and they should never have gotten together, hell the writers knew it that’s why falina was the finale song, coming back to be killed.
3 months ago
Why do all characters have to be written to be liked? Why can characters not be written to be disliked? Why can’t stories have protagonist’s and antagonists?
3 months ago
I think she missed the point that Walter was providing for his family. Yes, he was trying to roll the hard six, but it wasn’t like he had a 20 year old girlfriend on the side. The money was for her and their son.
3 months ago
People would be more forgiving of her actions if this was real but because it’s a show the worst thing a character can be is an obstacle that won’t go away, I forget who said it but someone said “the second worst thing a character can do is murder, the worst is be annoying”
Also the show is shown through Walter’s perspective, public opinion would be very different if the show was about a woman dealing with discovering that her husband has cancer, briefly gets hope from her son’s fundraising saving the life of her partner, then her discovering that the money came from drugs and murder as a big twist. (I’d watch that show though tbh)
3 months ago
You hate Skyler because she wouldn’t let Walt sell drugs. I hate Skyler because of her half-a**ed birthday tuggie. We are not the same.
3 months ago
I swear half the traffic on Reddit is bots and the other half is bots arguing about this character.
3 months ago
She totally overreacted.
Everyone’s got a hobby, what’s a little meth and a few murders between spouses?
3 months ago
It’s so funny how people talk about Walt as this great man when he is the pettiest asshole by like episode 2
3 months ago
Skylar’s reaction isn’t quite as black and white as you’re trying to claim. She’s not exactly Carmela Soprano, but she’s not her sister either (which makes it even worse considering who her sister is married to)
3 months ago
Let’s completely forget her affair then, after all, women bad
3 months ago
Growing up means understanding that Walter was not a chad or some kind of badass, he was just a loser that destroyed everything just for proving himself that he was not a loser.
3 months ago
She continued to smoke while pregnant, even after having a child with a serious birth defect already.
3 months ago
Nah, she’s just annoying…
3 months ago
Ewww woman
3 months ago
Maybe she shouldn’t have married a drug dealer? Skill issue on her part
3 months ago
I’m scared of women
3 months ago
Her reaction to Walt is understandable, but other than just being the upset wife, her biggest play in the series involved her almost getting the family killed because she was fooled into giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to her crooked boss she was fucking. The writers did her a bit dirty there IMHO.
She has flashes of brilliance and development, but only enough to undo the original mess. It wasn’t really enough to outpace that initial flub, and she was just kinda *there*.
I don’t think the character deserves any hate, but I personally would’ve liked to have seen her evolve a bit more.
3 months ago
At first she was definitely annoying to me but as the show went on I ended up siding with her and by the end the respect I had for her was immense, all that she went through was insane and she had her life forever changed because of walters selfish and fucked up decisions.
It’s easy to find her an annoying buzzkill at first and the way the shows written / skylars actress plays her so well I don’t think you’re supposed to side with her immediately or at least it’s easy not to but skylar was not only justified but by the end definitely doesn’t deserve that hate she got
3 months ago
Istg, both Writers and Anna Gunn did excellent job on this topic. It’s hard to not hate Skyler the first time you watch the show, when you are duped into rooting for Walter. Only on consecutive rewatches you start noticing that her reaction is absolutely valid and that Walter – a chemistry teacher turned Drug Lord – is the real evil here.
3 months ago
My hot take for breaking bad is Marie is more of an annoying character than Skyler
3 months ago
Audiences generally favour the more libertarian streak kind, probably because they get to romanticise about doing whatever they want, and in fiction this is not only entirely possible, but also easier to portray as rightful, even though they’re actually single minded arseholes.
It is a trend that seems to have been especially popularised in the past 20 or so years in action/anti hero type films/tv… Examples of such characters include: Rorschach, Joker (whatever one you want to pick), Tony Soprano, Don Draper, Bateman etc.
Skyler is an antithesis of this character I guess. Plus she’s a bit passive aggressive, which no one likes; irrespective of your husband moonlighting as a murdering local drug Lord kingpin.
3 months ago
First Watch: Walt says dope shit, Skyler is annoying.
Second Watch: Oof, Walt sucks. I feel bad for Skyler, she’s doing her best.
Third Watch: An excellent 6 season crime drama that ran from ‘99 to ‘05.
3 months ago
When you watched BB week to week it was easier to see Walt as a protagonist anti-hero. He’d do a bad thing but then also some good things and seem conflicted about it. It’s actually interesting how when you watch it binge, multiple episodes back to back, you just see it all laid out. Walt became a monster, Skyler was wildly supportive but she became trapped in a world she did not want. The same effect happens in the Sopranos.
3 months ago
Fucking your boss then coming home and telling that sociopath all about it isn’t a natural reaction.
the people who love Skylar and hate Walt would never run a successful methamphetamine business, and it shows.
Yeah, I’ve really never understood the takes that are all supportive of Walt and hate Skyler. Walt makes the most selfish choice he can at pretty much every step of the way, and in the end, finally admits to himself that it was never about his family; it was all about himself. That shows me that the writers of the show know what they were doing, too, and that Walt isn’t a villain just by accident.
Edit: I have concluded (after reading a shitton of comments) that maybe most people should have just been a few years older before they watched this show for the first time. Early teenage years is not a prime time for media literacy for most.
Because the people who hate Skyler thought Walter was this flawed hero while they misunderstood why he was actually a horrible person.
It’s reality. And reality sucks.
I am rewatching the show after just having a child and have a whole different perspective of her character. Outside of the affair (which honestly seems weird for her), she is not wrong on pretty much anything. She is fairly justified and not the b-word I thought she was the first time. Walter is nuts. He could have had his treatment paid for except he hated the people.
She is completly right most of the time (except the affair, that was a bitch move).
But she is (by intention) written like the stereotypical suburban mom who constantly complains about anything and isn’t really supportive of her husband (even before cooking drugs).
Walt and Skylar are both very flawed charakters, but we see things from Walts perspective most of the time, so we understand his struggle, while we see Skylar mostly as an obstacle to the plot.
Bro is acting like this is a hot take
Nah, Walter junior is even worse and he isn’t a woman
People hate Skylar because she’s a Bitch at the start before she has any reason to be. She controls Walts life, even his potential death, in many ways. She’s passive-aggresive, selfish and mean initially, judging Walt for what she believes to be a genuine medical emergency, bullying him into chemo, makes his illness all about her.
By the time she gets genuine reason to be angry with Walt, the audience has already made up their mind on her and choose not to sympathise with her. As Walts becomes worse, she becomes much better, but people are stuck with their first impressions.
It’s much easier to loose a reputation than repair one.
I never see anyone complaining about Skyler anymore. Now it’s just people complaining about people complaining about Skyler years after the show stopped airing and the complaints have already subsided. Anyways here’s a quote that applies pretty aptly here.
*”Annoying characters are worse than criminal characters because the crimes are fictional but my annoyance is very real.”*
This show has literal nazis and drug dealers,but the most hated character is a woman who doesn’t like his husband having a drug empire
Her character is introduced (purposefully) as an unlikeable character. She’s not wrong about her reaction to her husband being a drug lord, but her personality is like nails on a chalkboard so we chuck all that aside. Very well written! I still cannot stand her character, fantastic actress!
Honestly I don’t think it’s because she is a woman.
I think it’s because watching Walter achieve mastery and be super competent in something – even if illegal – is quite simply fun.
You see it time and time again when the main hero of a movie or a tv show is someone who breaks the law. Movies about con artists, assassins, master thieves etc. – it is enjoyable to watch them in their prime, when they are so cool even if we know that it’s wrong.
In my opinion she is hated not because she is a woman but simply because she is a party pooper. She brings harsh reality to this cool fantasy and we, as the viewers, don’t want it to stop. We want to see Walter expand his empire, dance around other criminals and escape justice. It’s fun to watch and bringing out consequences is being a downer.
She fucked Ted.
If the genders on the show were reversed and it was a husband who started off as ‘normally supportive, plus normal problems’ and understandably spiraled down into unhappy lashing out, cheating, etc due to his wife’s behavior I probably wouldn’t like him either. I really don’t believe it’s a gender thing. It isn’t fun to watch and makes me cringe during their screen appearances.
It has nothing to do with whether it’s justified or not. And, in Skyler’s case, she made enough bad decisions – under great stress, yes – that her morality/justification is…complicated. IMO she made the leap to unredeemable when she refused to help Hank in the end. Game over, Skyler.
People always on the side of protagonist.
Is that really why people hate Skyler? It’s not why I dislike her.
Isn’t she okk with it though once they find a cover story and they can actually spend the money though? That’s what I always thought she was some what hated for.
On rewatch- Skylar’s very first moments in the show, her introduction to us, is the exact trope of a nagging, mean, no fun bitchy wife. I hate it. She was set up to be disliked. A cheap thing for the writers to do. She could have been so much more interesting and sympathetic to us but the writers wanted us on Walt’s side as much as we could be from the get go, rooting for him and irritated with her, making her the false antagonist of the show. The actress did a phenomenal job but I think she was miscast looks wise. I don’t believe them as a couple, can’t imagine how they got together in the first place, (I know you can argue that that’s on purpose) but if it is it never really pays off. They are so wrong together. I wish they had written and cast a more sympathetic character/actor as Skylar.
I didn’t like Skylar because they couldn’t figure out what to do with her. She was no Carmela Soprano is all I am saying.
Skyler defenders seem to forget she had countless opportunities to turn Walt in and protect their kids, but decided she’d rather attempt to live with the lie and the money. Most egregiously when her lawyer tells her the clearly right thing to do and she doesn’t do it.
Not that you’re wrong, but I also think it had to do with Bryan Cranston bringing some charisma to the roll, being able to make WW likeable, causing people to side with him.
If WW had an obnoxious personality, most people would have been on her side. Yeah, Skylar, fuck that guy.
People find someone really unlikable, they judge them much more harshly. Walter had a certain charm while Skylar was kind of nitpicky, a perfectionist with a nagging side. So people overlook all the things Walter did to her while and other people while he was building his meth empire.
Skyler was sort of a victim of Season 1’s setup. The whole point was that they made Walt’s family be such extreme assholes to him in season 1 to make the viewer understand why he wants to get away from it all and make meth. Nobody in his life respects him, at home or at work. This setup comes off as cheap in hindsight, as his family isn’t as shitty as the series goes on. I still love breaking bad, but they really do make Walt’s family comically evil in Season 1, only to make them develop into decent people out of thin air after that. Except Walt Jr. Walt Jr. can still go hobble himself off a bridge 😂
One of the reasons breaking bad is one of the best shows of all time
I mean she could have respected his wishes which was to die. But no lashed out at anyone for it and guilt tripped him when she didn’t even see how much one treatment costs. Her sister was like we should respect his wishes and she went after her because she didn’t do as she wanted. Skylar is selfish as hell, and they should never have gotten together, hell the writers knew it that’s why falina was the finale song, coming back to be killed.
Why do all characters have to be written to be liked? Why can characters not be written to be disliked? Why can’t stories have protagonist’s and antagonists?
I think she missed the point that Walter was providing for his family. Yes, he was trying to roll the hard six, but it wasn’t like he had a 20 year old girlfriend on the side. The money was for her and their son.
People would be more forgiving of her actions if this was real but because it’s a show the worst thing a character can be is an obstacle that won’t go away, I forget who said it but someone said “the second worst thing a character can do is murder, the worst is be annoying”
Also the show is shown through Walter’s perspective, public opinion would be very different if the show was about a woman dealing with discovering that her husband has cancer, briefly gets hope from her son’s fundraising saving the life of her partner, then her discovering that the money came from drugs and murder as a big twist. (I’d watch that show though tbh)
You hate Skyler because she wouldn’t let Walt sell drugs. I hate Skyler because of her half-a**ed birthday tuggie. We are not the same.
I swear half the traffic on Reddit is bots and the other half is bots arguing about this character.
She totally overreacted.
Everyone’s got a hobby, what’s a little meth and a few murders between spouses?
It’s so funny how people talk about Walt as this great man when he is the pettiest asshole by like episode 2
Skylar’s reaction isn’t quite as black and white as you’re trying to claim. She’s not exactly Carmela Soprano, but she’s not her sister either (which makes it even worse considering who her sister is married to)
Let’s completely forget her affair then, after all, women bad
Growing up means understanding that Walter was not a chad or some kind of badass, he was just a loser that destroyed everything just for proving himself that he was not a loser.
She continued to smoke while pregnant, even after having a child with a serious birth defect already.
Nah, she’s just annoying…
Ewww woman
Maybe she shouldn’t have married a drug dealer? Skill issue on her part
I’m scared of women
Her reaction to Walt is understandable, but other than just being the upset wife, her biggest play in the series involved her almost getting the family killed because she was fooled into giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to her crooked boss she was fucking. The writers did her a bit dirty there IMHO.
She has flashes of brilliance and development, but only enough to undo the original mess. It wasn’t really enough to outpace that initial flub, and she was just kinda *there*.
I don’t think the character deserves any hate, but I personally would’ve liked to have seen her evolve a bit more.
At first she was definitely annoying to me but as the show went on I ended up siding with her and by the end the respect I had for her was immense, all that she went through was insane and she had her life forever changed because of walters selfish and fucked up decisions.
It’s easy to find her an annoying buzzkill at first and the way the shows written / skylars actress plays her so well I don’t think you’re supposed to side with her immediately or at least it’s easy not to but skylar was not only justified but by the end definitely doesn’t deserve that hate she got
Istg, both Writers and Anna Gunn did excellent job on this topic. It’s hard to not hate Skyler the first time you watch the show, when you are duped into rooting for Walter. Only on consecutive rewatches you start noticing that her reaction is absolutely valid and that Walter – a chemistry teacher turned Drug Lord – is the real evil here.
My hot take for breaking bad is Marie is more of an annoying character than Skyler
Audiences generally favour the more libertarian streak kind, probably because they get to romanticise about doing whatever they want, and in fiction this is not only entirely possible, but also easier to portray as rightful, even though they’re actually single minded arseholes.
It is a trend that seems to have been especially popularised in the past 20 or so years in action/anti hero type films/tv… Examples of such characters include: Rorschach, Joker (whatever one you want to pick), Tony Soprano, Don Draper, Bateman etc.
Skyler is an antithesis of this character I guess. Plus she’s a bit passive aggressive, which no one likes; irrespective of your husband moonlighting as a murdering local drug Lord kingpin.
First Watch: Walt says dope shit, Skyler is annoying.
Second Watch: Oof, Walt sucks. I feel bad for Skyler, she’s doing her best.
Third Watch: An excellent 6 season crime drama that ran from ‘99 to ‘05.
When you watched BB week to week it was easier to see Walt as a protagonist anti-hero. He’d do a bad thing but then also some good things and seem conflicted about it. It’s actually interesting how when you watch it binge, multiple episodes back to back, you just see it all laid out. Walt became a monster, Skyler was wildly supportive but she became trapped in a world she did not want. The same effect happens in the Sopranos.
Fucking your boss then coming home and telling that sociopath all about it isn’t a natural reaction.