In Invincible (2021-20XX), spandex only affects men.

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Nah, Mark is just caked up like that

Those Grayson genes just come with being caked up, just ask Nightwing.

I always saw her outfit as workout gear where it’s fitting but not a second skin. Meanwhile it’s Viltradition to wear a bodysuit that’s a size too small. Hence it going up his ass.

It’s those viltrumite muscles.

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Did you forget who his father is

it’s just subtle storytelling showing us how tense mark was at that moment

Marvel’s Spiderman (2017, cartoon) is pretty hilarious with Miles and Peter having super defined hip bones and butts, but not Gwen. 

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Nah Mark got the yams. Cecil had him squatting whole mountains.

They’re both caked, but I guess Viltrumites have tighter cheeks

They should keep the show running until the 2100s to prove this post wrong.

The animators know what the fans want

I mean if you’ve ever worn spandex shorts you’d know the right is much more likely unless you get some kind of scrunch leggings or shorts. So maybe Mark wants to show off his glutes and made his costume like that.

Eve in the comics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eve in the animated series

The part where Omni-Man is flying through space with sad music and all I can see is how fucking caked up he is, it looked ridiculous while he’s in that arched back flying pose.

Horntposting Invincible again?????

Saving it for the thicc Eve reveal


Im not seeing the issue here

Male gaze bad, female gaze good

Don’t worry. After she heals she grows … More … And it becomes a whole talking point. Eve goes thru a lot of changes from perky and thin, to thick and gooey and flat out dommy mommy.

His suit is spandex, hers is whatever the hell her power makes it

Cakevincible and flat-ass Eve

Unpopular opinion time: I don’t like the shorts that atom eve has for her suit. I know why they did it, but I would rather they change it to her comic suit or just give her a full body suit.

We’re living in the era of “its offensive for a woman to have an ass”.

Wow yea almost like there is some implicit bias and or vindictive cat moms or fem boys drawing and writing these things. Oh wait… whoops

Maybe the director is gay, who knows

That’s a shame 🫠.

“Give the people what they want” I see

I fail to see the issue.

As it should


Must be a Grayson thing. I mean, take Nightwing for example.

The 20XX may be off, with the “speed” they release new episodes it may need to be 2XXX

Nah, he just does his squats

It’s about time we switch it up #LetMenShowCake

I don’t see any problem with that hahaha 😁

All Grayson in comic have cake 

Atom Eve can just create buttcrack filler out of nothing.

As a guy, I like big butts and I cannot lie. That’s the kinda of cheeks I need on my men or women

Completely accurate whitegirl butt amazing detail

It’s big superhero and their never ending quest to turn little boys gay.

Eve is technically nude. She uses her powers to change how she looks. Any clothes she is “wearing ” is just a physical manifestation of her power.

Steve got them glutes

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