In July 2024, A tourist noticed that this table at a beach bar in Varna – Bulgaria, was actually an ancient artifact. After alerting authorities, it was identified as a 1,700-year-old Roman tomb.

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“An ancient Roman sarcophagus was discovered masquerading as a table at a tourist beach bar in Bulgaria.

The 1,700-year-old relic was reportedly found on the sandy shores of the Black Sea, near Varna where the Radjana Beach Bar reportedly found it.

A former police officer was visiting the beach bar at a beachfront known as St. Constantine and Elena while on vacation when he noticed the decorated table.

Photos and videos posted online revealed that the ancient sarcophagus had been used as a bar since at least 2020, prompting officials to initiate a pre-trial investigation into how the object ended up on the beach. Archaeologists were called to the scene and verified that the shelly limestone coffin and its decorative elements aligned with other relics from northwest Bulgaria at that time. The antique stone coffin featured garlands, animal rosettes and a labrys – more commonly known as an axe – on the sides while its top had been replaced with a stone slab that served as a bar for customers.

Even though the archaeologists from the Regional History Museum reported that it appeared to have been repainted, the team told the Bulgarian news outlet Devnik that it was authentic after removing part of the paint.

Archaeologist Alexander Minchev and his team established that the stoneโ€™s original structure and interior date back to the second century AD” – The Daily Mail

See, THIS is the news I want to read

I too want my grave to be a bar where people have a fucking great time

Talk about a grave misunderstanding. I bet the drinks were to die for.

Plot twist- It was a vampire’s coffin that washed ashore

Now thatโ€™s where Iโ€™d like to have my resting resting place ๐Ÿชฆ

That’s what Europe is like, just ancient shit lying around everywhere. If it’s not that it’s bloody castles

I wonder how many people played beer pong on that thing?

How do people notice this stuff on beaches? Wouldn’t this stuff have been noticed years ago? Are the items slowly moving up through the sand? Or the sand level is slowly moving down?

Drinks are on ME!!

Longest Shiva ever

Is this a Jojo reference?

Seems like the patrons at that bar had one tomb many.

And that’s why there’s no place to set down your cocktail now. Asshole.

Bulgarians know how to party

And now itโ€™s of no use to anybody.

*Biggus Dickus, partied hard here!*


“Don’t worry guys, dinner will be on me”

Man they donโ€˜t make multipurpose coffins anymore like they used to do

This reminds me of the monument at Manassas, Virginia, a civil war battle site that was discovered to have live cannon shells adorning it in the mid 1980โ€™s.

What a buzzkill

it was a cool table, now will be colecting dust somewhere. Downgrade.

If anyone wondered: the outside is contemporary/fake. The original part is inside and not in a good shape.

All I know is Varna is awesome! They party!! Hard. (Not joking)

I wouldโ€™ve immediately gone โ€˜oh check it out itโ€™s one of those Elden Ring coffins, see if itโ€™s got lootโ€™ if I saw that thing.

Apparently he said: “This is no table, it’s a tomb” ๐Ÿ˜€

Sad that they opened it and it doesnt seem like anything was inside?

Tbf the top is new the bottom is the artifact.

Iโ€™m trying really hard to come up with some eating on a coffin joke and Iโ€™m failing miserably.

Ummm whereโ€™s the body

Well that’s just great. the bar doesn’t have a bar now

Waiter, my filet mignon smells a bit off. Not sure why.

This is why the British museum is justified

It was just chilling at the beach and now it got confiscated.

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