In space, you can see stars, details in comments

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This photo taken with my homemade sidereal tracker that compensates for the pitch rate of ISS (0.064 degrees per second) so longish (30 second) time exposures are now possible. Without tracking, about half second exposure is the longest without notable star motion. More star photos to come.

Nikon Z9, 14mm Sigma f1.4 lens, 20 seconds, ISO 12800, adjusted in Photoshop, levels, contrast, color.

Wow, this is like.. An actual Astronaut in space and not just a theoretical or historical view. That’s amazing man. Thanks for sharing.

Wait, you can see galaxies with the naked eye?!?!

So this is actually what you actually see when you look out the window of the ISS?

Is there a reason you shouldn’t be able to see stars if you’re in space?

This is awesome, in the literal sense of the word

Over 20 years ago, I was in grad school with an astronaut (Rice U in Houston). He was an avid astronomer, and I was asking him about how the stars/galaxies looked in space, thinking it would be amazing. He told me that on the space shuttle, the windows were very scratched up, I think he said from launch/reentry, or maybe micrometeorites. Given what you’re showing here, I guess my question is are the windows really clear on the space station? They certainly appear that way! Amazing pic.

Now that’s a 70’s album cover if I ever saw one!

Hey you want to take me up there with you and show me how exactly you did this? Seems only fair.

Wow! What a rare and unique view of the stars and space! Beautiful!

Stars and galaxies too apparently, those are the Magellanic Clouds right?

Beautiful photo! Can you do a side-by-side picture that shows how visible the stars are to your naked eye, to your recollection?

Does the ISS have Wi-Fi? Or are there blue LAN cables floating around

Beautiful! Can you share info on your tracker?

Great stuff. You’re the DPST, Don Petit Space Telescope. Are you posting full res to Flickr or anywhere, or do we need to wait until they show up in the astronaut photography database?

“In space, you can see the stars”

On earth, you can see the grass

In the ocean, you can see the fish

Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes

Edit just to be absolutely clear: it’s a wonderful shot, the caption is just so vague and funny to me

Sorry but what is that red layer that looks like a shield?

I can post a reply to an actual astronaut while he’s in space to tell him his astrophotography is awesome. What a time to be alive. This makes me so happy.

Its a cool picture, and you certainly are in a cool spot.. But I feel that the headline is kinda obvious. I knew you could see stars from space. Heck I can see them right here from earth!

This is incredible! Would it be possible to get a high definition version? I’d love to get it printed and on the wall.

Very cool op. I wish I would have studied harder and made my way into space.

Can you post the original photo for comparison? Thank you for this one, it’s beautiful 🙂

This is amazing! Thanks for sharing, OP. You are living my childhood dream

I am awestruck. Thanks for sharing. Do you ever just get awestruck and stair off into space and forget what you are suppose to be doing?

You can see then when the Sun is behind Earth.

What happens when you move away from Earth and sunny all the time? Can you see stars then?

Looks like the picture was taken from the USS Enterprise. Nice!

That is the coolest thing my peepers have peeped for a while!

This is such an incredible photo, I just had to give you my last award for it. You’re living many people’s dreams including my own, I hope you never forget just how amazing it all is

I believe those are two of our satellite galaxies

Beautiful. Also terrifying. I get the weirdest anxiety looking at pictures of the universe.

Thank you for this! Stupid question… but do they twinkle at all? Or is that just a terrestrial experience because of the Earth’s atmosphere? Wondering if other gases in space might cause twinkling. I know, sounds silly. 

Thank you Don. I remember asking you a question about this to which you replied yes you can see the stars while I’m orbit on the ISS. Beautiful photo.

its true, my house is in space and you can still see a few stars at night, despite the light pollution.

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