In Subservience (2024) Alice is a robot butler that doesn’t need to brush her teeth because she has a UV sanitising system inside her mouth. This is weird because if she doesn’t eat food then what could possibly enter her orifices she might need to sanitise?

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Just flying bugs and things like it, probably there’s no other reason, don’t worry about.

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The joke is big sex

This is to foreshadow that she’s evil because only villains in DBZ used mouth beams.

Assuming she has to talk a lot, the mouth would naturally get dirty with dust particles from the air. Normally the human body cleans these through saliva swallowing in the mouth region. Hair inside the Nose, Ears and around eyes also stop dust from entering these orifices.

Assuming this robot does not have these biological advantages, it needs cleansing methods to keep fresh.

Machine Gun Kelly

I was just discussing this film yesterday and how inevitably in multiple movies of this kind the guy ends up fucking the robot maid/nanny, and wondering why the standard maid/nanny model would need to come with anatomically correct genitals.

I want to see more comedy scenes where the guy has to explain to his wife why he went with the sexy 20 year old woman model and paid for the realistic genitals upgrade package.

Subservience would be 10 times horrifying if she looks like the robot mother from I am Mother (2019). Keep all the plot points the same (even the sexual one) just make the robot look like it could run new gen game at 144 fps.

This is a genuine criticism and it’s in no way my barely disguised fetish.


Think about it. She’s bringing you food while you’re sitting on your couch. When she hands you the plate your fork falls off the plate and lands on the floor. No problem, she just puts it on her mouth and sanitizes it right here, no need to walk back to the kitchen.

That orifice is also used as an air purifier.

Dick cancer


The answer is ‘cum’.

Also does UV light kill semen? I don’t want to be responsible for millions of abortions every time I check my sheets at a hotel.

This moment was purely so it would make sense when she uses it as a detective tool to find a blood trail later, lol. Bad movie

Makes you wonder what else glows

Dick , she is being mouth fucked




The joke is penus guys, itโ€™s the penus

Probably cells

Maybe she also sucks. You know, dust.


Machine cum Kelly

Smex bot

Cum maybe?

Dust particles, germ particles, pet hair and dandruff, bugs, etc.

You know……>.>

Well, there might traces of something that is visible in UV light


Flies, if she keeps her mouth open like that.

What does blue mean? Does everyone glow blue?

Like guys who clean their mouth with bicarbonate. They never realize how bad their mouth smells.

why build any robot to be humanoid to begin with?

Oh, you sweet summer child


She chews on bubble gum

I have a hard time explaining my tan lanes to the old lady.

Youโ€™re telling me youโ€™ve never had things like dust or dirt or bugs or feces in the air enter your mouth?


hey great meme, but before this movie falls into obscurity i just wanted to say ive seen worse movies.

you could say it was a perfect movie.

you know, perfection does not mean great, it simply means a project/solution/idea hits 100% of the deliverables required by the end user.

someone said “what if we made a movie like m3gan, but where you could fuck the robot” and then this movie was slapped together competently and that was that.

i am not officially recommending this film i suppose, but i did not feel like i wasted my time watching it. all aspects of movie were made by competently.

it is exactly average.

It’s not cheating!!!

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