In “The Notebook” (2004) The boy gets the girl with most suave line in cinema history “Go on a date with me: or I fucking kill myself”

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Threatens suicide if she doesn’t go on a date with him.

Dies anyway of old age next to the woman who went on a date with him.

what a scrub.

It’s really the ultimate win-win. You can throw your whole heart out there and you won’t feel pain if you get rejected.

One of my exes got me to watch this movie, and it’s the least romantic movie ever.

I hated this movie and this was the nail in the coffin. Everything after this scene couldn’t save it.

OP be like “upvote my post: or….”

You get an upvote from me simply for not saying something stupid like “unalive”

If you squint, it kind of looks like Jim is saying this to Pam.

This is just manipulation and emotional abuse

According to my mother my dad did this. Now here I am.

My wife and I were doing a thing where we would take turns picking the next movie to watch. I’d pick Terminator, she’d pick 10 Thing I Hate About You, that sort of thing. The Notebook broke me, it is terminally fucking dull and uninteresting, I couldn’t finish it and thus our cycle was broken.

manipulative jerk!

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You never go full Tequila Sunset

If that dude looked like Steve Bannon, The Notebook would be considered a Halloween horror movie.

One of the worst movies spun to be romantic of all time.

“Written and directed by Ricardo López”

I had a friend in college who was obsessed with this movie and made me watch it. I was horrified how this is considered one of the best romance movies. She also told me that she saw her relationship with a guy almost 20 years older than her reminded her of the couple in this movie. I’ve never been more concerned

Harry Dubois taking notes.

And this is one of the reasons I hate this movie.

It’s the outfits, time period and setting that really make it a hit imo. Loved all of the main character’s outfits

I had a former colleague obsessed with Ryan Gosling. One day this film was on in the common area and I straight up asked her would you find it charming if a guy threatened to kill himself to manipulate you into a date. She replied enthusiastically that she would love it, only if it was Ryan Gosling.

So there you go, this would be fine if you’re hot enough.

Release the Then Perish cut!

You either dangle long enough to be the Notebook, or you can Drive like Bladerunner 2099 til I Barbie

Women love this one simple trick.

What a narcissist 😂

Works every time

Reese to Sarah Conner: come with me if you want to live

The plot wouldn’t work at ALL if they weren’t attractive

OMG I’ve always hated this movie and book! Especially this detail. Most of the women in my life think this movie is so romantic. Like how?!?!?!

I like the book better, he’s just as shitty but he dies alone in a nursing home in a sequel and all their kids ‘lives go to hell. She dies at the end of the first book and leaves him alone in old age.

Do it pussy

I’m sure people would have a far different opinion of this movie in general if it was Steve Buschemi (sorry Steve) instead of Ryan Gosling playing the role. It would change from a romance movie into a psychological thriller.

Wow he really is literally me.

Man people really take this movie seriously. It is a lighthearted romance movie designed for a specific type of moviegoer. Sort of a fantasy romance in a way where you cannot root it in reality.

This reads like a cumtown bit

It’s also a clever reference to the fact that Nicholas Sparks is a hack and the source material (and all his other work) sucks

It worked for me OP you just have to try

Now imagine this scene with Josh Gad.

Isn’t this also the same movie where James Marsden first gets cucked, by this suicidal but handsome maniac. Never understood why this movie was so loved, and yes I can appreciate a good romance movie now and then.

Haha, do a backflip

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