In the ruins of Chernobyl, scientists discovered a black fungus that feeds on gamma radiation.

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It’s called Cladosporium sphaerospermum, and it literally responds to ionizing radiation with enhanced growth. This remarkable organism, thriving in the radioactive wasteland, doesn’t just withstand high radiation levels — it actively absorbs and utilizes the energy through a process called radiosynthesis.
It “feeds” on this radiation, using it as a source of energy, similar to how plants use sunlight for photosynthesis.
Researchers believe it may offer insights into radiation-resistant life and potential applications for space travel and bioremediation.
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This is literally the planet healing itself

How does it taste?

Forbidden kiwi

Bet even that thing couldn’t breakdown a BigMac….

Gamma Butthole

I shall call it the “hulk-initus” fungus or “HIF”

That’s a rotten butthole

Mom said its my turn to post about the fungus 🙁

They can feed on radiation, but can we feed on them? Asking for a friend

Uuuuu gamma… that’s the one that makes hulks out of people

If it feeds on it…can it be utilized to remove it?

Who ever dreamed that a slice of kiwi could do such wonders??

Okay, so was this a new fungus, or an extremely old one? One that sat waiting until there was enough radiation to wake again?


No dick, no balls, and propably no butthole since this guy feeds on radiation

It looks like my cornhole

What does this have to do with Leo though?

Black fungus feeds on disappointment and radiation.

So you mean to say chernobyl was 4D chess move by the soviets?

“Fungus-man, Fungus-man, does whatever a Fungus-man does!”

OMG amazing.

That looks like a stale kiwi kinda.

So what happens when the fungus spreads?
Does it stay radioactive?
Sorry, I didn’t read, I’m at work..

So, proto-Orks?

Chlorophyll absorbs energy from light. Chernobyl absorbs energy from radiation.

Life finds a way

Didn’t have that on the bingo card


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