In their own native country

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Owami in Minneapolis is one example.

Sigh…many, many in New Mexico

Native Americans got it the worst of anyone. And not surprisingly their communities are struggling today. Anyone that says black people can’t get their shit together have another example of his racism and disenfranchisement have long lasting effects.

Shit ain’t easy when they take everything from you, and then erect walls in front of any attempts to rebuild. for the curious they won a James Beard award their first year

Mexicans are native

Tocabe in Denver

Ummmm….. They were so evil they went overtime to commit genocide. Genocidal maniacs twice as long as the country has existed. You know it’s bad when you think about it that way

Indigenous visibility is super important, and also I can’t stand these MFers who really think ‘Well I’VE never seen _____ so it doesn’t exist’ like they are the center of the universe 

I went to one on a reservation out by the grand canyon. It was Navajo food. It was similar to mexican food. It clicked for me that duh, Latinos are rooted from native Americans so this makes sense but I get it that they don’t actually identify as native. It’s like calling ourselves African…no I’m not African I’m a Black American there’s a massive cultural difference

Isn’t there Sioux Chef in Minneapolis? This is a great channel showcasing indigenous food. [Indigenous Food Lab.](

I’m gonna guess that this dude said that without going to places that have native Americans

What are some bangin native american dishes? Never thought about it before, and now want to make something for myself tonight.

I was told that when I went to Washington DC, the best places on the mall to eat at were the African American and Native American Smithsonians. The NA was closed for renovations, and the AA had a line a mile long. I was disappoint.

If you can go to one i highly suggest it. I went to a place in Denver called Tocabe. Tons of flavor. 

There are very few. And because last time they “shared” their culture look what happened.

Mitsitam in Washington DC.

Also, everyone is welcome at powwows, and frybread will change your life. đź’›

People are so gat damn ignant.

You eating BBQ?

THAT is a native dish.

Brunswick stew? Same damn thing.

Ingredients and cooking techniques adopted by early settlers from native with addition of African ingredients and techniques by slaves.

We have a few in Minnesota.

Lol. Fuck amerikkka.

You ever gone to a Mexican restaurant in California? Maybe had some guacamole and tamales topped with some mole, maybe even drink a little chocolate atole? Then I might have some surprising news for you Patrick…

We have Off The Rez here in Seattle

I live somewhere with a higher than average Native population. There is a woman a couple blocks away from me who (in nice weather so certainly not now) sells Indian Tacos from a stand in her yard.

I don’t love the beans she uses, but her fry bread is pretty great.

Tocabe in Denver has a couple locations including one at the top of a run at Winter Park

Watecha Bowl in South Dakota does a pretty brisk business.

Greasy greasy frybread is fuckin amazing Patrick


Guessing Patrick’s never heard of the Trail of Tears


It wasn’t just one unified government. I want us to remember that

Goddamn the stupidity is tiresome.

Also, cause your dumb ass has never been to the rez.

If you go to the native American heritage museum in Washington DC you’ll notice the “traditional” foods of the natives is mostly European canned goods.

That’s because the colonists forcibly replaced their culture.

It was the condescending Patrick that did it for me. In all seriousness, this country was built on racism and mf’s are ignorant as fuck.

Wasn’t Thanksgiving simply based off of them?

Also like, you can. Go to the Southwest. Navajo food rips.

Anytime you eat corn, Patrick.

>In their own native country

in their own native *countries*

they werent united or anything, there were lots of different nations. and many were at war with each other

Oddly enough, there is a large chain in South Africa that is Native American themed called Spur.

I don’t know about restaurants but in Cali we have multiple casinos and loan services that offer loans with like 70% interest. I don’t think they really need restaurants. I know there are many tribes and not all are rich nor profit from casinos. 

The guy’s never been to a casino?

Step 1: destroy all records of their culture

Step 2: discriminate against them for not having any culture

Can someone give an example of food especially in Canada?

most of them are towards the west of the us, gee i wonder why 🤔

Hey now it wasn’t JUST brutal intentional killing. Bio warfare took out the vast majority before they even saw a white dude. Which, fucking scary to think about if Europeans knew how much of an advantage that would’ve been from the very start.

Casinos are way more profitable

Not just that but the recipes have been lost to time. Most people think frybread is a native food, when it is what we came up with when forced in reservations away from our game and being provided with flour, oils and other colonizer foods we had to make due with. The actual ways were lost. Many tribes were put together and what arose is new culture making sure with what was given.

Soul food restaurant

Fish bar

I was traveling through the New Mexico desert and saw a billboard for an Indian Restaurant written in that southwestern sort of style.

I had such an internal debate as to whether to stop or not. I would’ve loved to try *Native American* food. But if it was *Indian* food in the middle of the US desert, I don’t trust it. 

Calling Native Americans “Indians” is so linguistically confusing.

edit: Someone explain the downvotes? Is this being perceived as offensive or something?

It didn’t start in 1776 lmfao they were almost all dead by then

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