In Titanic (1997) Rose throws a 250 Million Dollar necklace in the ocean, in memory of that 1 night stand she had 80 years ago. This is a reference to how few fucks she gives about the children she has had since then, who might appreciate the inheritance.

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“Have you met my granddaughter, Lizzie? She takes care of me. No, I won’t be leaving her my diamond necklace because fuck her, and all Calvert’s line, that’s why.”

She’s also suicidal.

Plot twist, she has alzhiemers and she is throwing her life alert necklace into the toilet.

I would think the insurance company would claim the jewel if it ever came to light. Didn’t her ex fiancé file a claim after the sinking?

“Also, fuck the homeless”

“Don’t seek riches. Seek a righteous cock like Jack’s. You’ll know it when you find it, but you might have to rummage through a lot of trousers first.”

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Fuck this movie

In that alternate ending, they ask her why she never sold it. She said she thought about what assholes those rich people were, and decided she’d be alright in life without that kind of money.

So give it to the nuns, bitch! Do like Whoopi in “Ghost,” and let some good come of it.

Rose truly went from ‘Heart of the Ocean’ to ‘Heart of the Forgetful’ 😂

Titanic was a hard movie to digest because of this fact. Her family, her kids and she remained obsessed with a one night stand she had on a boat. Like…she never got over it.

I wonder if she would have felt the same if she knew Jack would have dumped her ass as soon as she turned 25 had he lived

Just look up where that movie set was built in Mexico and how it ruined a town. A town where they paid the workers 2.50 an hour to build a set in their one water reserve that was chemically destroyed. That was a huge shell fish bounty for the town. Fuck that movie and everyone in it, behind it.

Seems like a real jerk.


Few Rich People Dove To finde it , ended up imploding

With this action Rose became an icon and inspiration for millions of boomers worldwide

Also she’s in her death bed and instead of thinking about her husband or kids, she thinks about a man she fucked once on a boat

The entire movie is a portrait of Roses selfishness…. Right?

in movies, many times sentimentality prevails over rationality

Never understood this. They went to the bottom of the ocean, they can go again, and it will be much easier to find.

She’s a real bitch.

Dat bitch should be made to live with Grandpa Joe, in HELL.

I’ve never understood how so many people consider it a great love story. Like, she had an affair, he died, and couldn’t let go of *him* over her actual family. Doesn’t sound like a fucking love story to me 😬

Typical boomer mentality.

Rich people

The guy who retrieved it from the water at the begining of the movie: am I a joke to you?

the expedition was made in the first place to find this freaking necklace. She could have given them, nope! she gave them a love story. Lady no one gives a f*** about your love story (sorry Jack, no offense, your love story was beautiful), but Rose chose to throw the necklace there instead of giving this to them. Ugh!!!!

If she had stayed on the lifeboat, Jack would’ve had the floating wood all to himself to survive

Eh. The diamond had been missing since the ship sank. For all they knew, it never existed. Didn’t she assume a completely new identity afterwards anyways?

It didn’t make sense, however, that one stand guy sacrificed his life for her! That was the most emotional part of this movie! To sacrifice himself after a good fuck!:)

“Next time throw yourself in…”

The necklace is well known, so trying to sell it would have been problematic. Especially with her trying to protect her identity.

However, in her old age, she could have obviously just given it to her granddaughter.

I’m not sure I understand. Did she know that internal affairs was setting her up?

I didn’t like her. They were tryna make her this character u should feel bad for. Well it didn’t work

The ocean could use the money.


That whole movie is a shitty detail

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