In Wuthering Heights (2026), margot robbie portrays a 17 year old in 1783

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It’s my understanding white wedding dresses were not common until well into the 19th centu- wait, Emerald Fennel you say? Ah. Right.

That dress does not look like it came from the 18th century, I wonder who is in charge of costume

Steve Buscemi is going to be her 15 year old groom.

Furthermore: Jacob Elordi, who is 27, is playing Heatcliff, who is supposed be the same age as Catherine, played by Margot Robbie, who is 34.

The worst part is that you KNOW they’re gonna skip the biggest part of the story.
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The part where Heathcliff works alongside Gregor Samsa and Don Quixote to fight Hindley once he turns into a big dog.

Nothing compared to Florence pugh playing a 12 year old in little women

They couldn’t find someone at least in their 20s to portray a 17 year old? She’s old enough to be the mother of a 17 year old. Was Millie Bobby Brown busy?

She’s such a bad casting, even putting her age aside.

She doesn’t look a day more than 15.

Is this a prequel movie adaptation to wuthering waves?

Looks nothing like Kate Bush

I am sick and tired of old words like wuthering

It was a different time…when men were men and women were men too.

Wuthering heights are one of my favorite novels. They better not butcher it.

It’s not as if I’m gonna watch this movie.

She look 2 or 3 weeks older than 17

My biggest ick for this movie has gotta be that they casted Jacob Elordi as Heathcliff, a bloody white bloke playing a bastard of a different ethnicity.

Edgar’s Actor: Latif, looks more like Heath.

This movie is destined to fail.

Y’know, considering the contents of the book and hollywood, I’d actually much prefer the concession of having a more experienced adult actor in the role.

I just hope nobody’s trying to play it off as a romance story.


There’s only been about 20 film/tv adaptations of this story, they definitely needed another. I checked 6 of the most popular adaptations, the ages of the actresses ranged from 18-30 for that character at time of filming so Margot is the oldest by about 4 years.

Pretty much everyone in the past looked older. They didn’t have nutritionists, gyms, plastic surgeons, air pollution regulations, smoking age limits, etc. etc.

Forgot the 1700s, just look at a picture of teenagers in the mid 1900s.

17 years back then was like 40 today.

Life was tough.

Is she Kate Earnshaw or Kate Lipton?

Im like hey what’s up hello

Life was hard dude

Who cares

Itโ€™s so bad

Fine, as long as lots of stuff blows up.

Might as well cast Alexa Demie since actresses in their 20โ€™s donโ€™t exist


Didn’t know you could make a movie from a 4 minute Kate Bush song.

Why Margot tho? Was Zendaya not available?

How old is this? She is super pregnant now

Of course, life was difficult for a 17 year old then

Wow, how long has she been making movies? 1783 is back in the olden days of Hollywood.

Pick an actress that actually is and looks 17, or pick a useless actress that’s double the age. Make it make sense.

That dress isโ€ฆa choice. Itโ€™s lovely but it just doesnโ€™t work on her at all!

17 year olds looked that old in 1783? Why canโ€™t they just get a young actor instead of trying to make a 50 year old look young. ๐Ÿ™„

double nice

I mean what was the life expectancy back then, like 43? Itโ€™s probably not too far fetched that sheโ€™d look older

Itโ€™s a fucking fuck story!!

They don’t make 17 year olds like they used to

17 lol. terrible casting

tbh I donโ€™t see this being too bad. the editing in the movie will probably have her looking 17 anyway

She looks like a botoxed woman in her early 40s


Smoking kills

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