Incredibly petty, but still mad

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The way to handle this is to set up an anonymous email account, only report violations at board members’ houses, and BCC the entire neighborhood distribution list except the board members.

Edited to fix a word.

Gets fucked by a Karen. Becomes an even bigger Karen.

HOA โ€œpeopleโ€ are why I will never live in an HOA neighborhood.

My old boss kept getting snitched on if he had his boat or truck in the drive way 1 minute over. Just rung up over the smallest stuff.

After years, he joined the board. Shortly afterwards he ran for president, as there was mass leaving of members and no one looking to take over.

He ran. He won. Asked the old president for access to the old files โ€œjust for historyโ€. Discovered 95% were neighbors across the street โ€œfriendsโ€. Printed up all the complaints, hand delivered to them so they had copies. Neighbors died inside.

Within a year he got everyone to vote out the HOA. Permanently closed it.

Dude was the best boss I ever had. So smart and funny as heck.

This does not work. I know because I tried it. The HOA told me to get fucked and they didnโ€™t care about any of the other violations (because they were the ones guilty of them)

Bro is Batman of neighborhood violations

Donโ€™t start none, wonโ€™t be none.

God I’m happy to just own a house. No council of old fucks here. I can draw dicks on my house and make my dog a viking burial without anyone complaining

Don’t forget folks if everyone votes to you can destroy an HOA.

Plot twist: It’s spiteful retaliatory complaints all the way down.

So that the third party HOA entity that runs the neighborhood but doesn’t live there can get more money while everyone else loses?

Technically correct is the best kind of correct.

The rules should be applied fairly without fear or favour. If applying them because onerous then thatโ€™s the incentive to remove the rule and get out of peopleโ€™s business

Lawful evil

I actually had a similar thing happen in my HOA. Unbeknownst to me when I purchased the house my new next door neighbor was an HOA board member. I bought a few chickens and she came to me to complain. I had recently read the HOA bylaws, as I had closed on the house a few months prior, and noticed vinyl siding was against the HOA and incurred fines until it is replaced. Her house had vinyl siding. All I said to her was that all of us in the neighborhood were violating at least one rule. Mine was chickens I can re-home, hers is her house’s siding. She never brought it up again.

Except its typically not the neighbors complaining…its the compliance people that drive around the neighborhood every week.

Not saying it isn’t ever the neighbors though…its just usually only the neighbors when you’re being a total dick about something.

Can’t put the monkey back in the bottle. Complain by the rules, you must live by them. I wouldn’t punish the whole community. some people work for a living and it probbaly wasn’t any of them.

The HOA “people” are the reason Iโ€™ll never live in an HOA neighborhood.

the initial argument aside that anyone choosing to live under an HOA is a knob, anger is a relay, trying to hand the baton you received to someone else is destructive

bro got sniped and retaliated by carpet bombing the whole neighborhood lol.

Seems like a fun neighbor

You need to have the neighbors who have the same opinion as you do and likely do not attend the meetings start attending. Trust me theres always power in numbers and you could sway the vote or the entire board.

Petty Mayonnaise over here. Love it.

โ€œCause fuckโ€™em thatโ€™s whyโ€


This level of pettiness is immaculate ๐Ÿค I would do the same

Someone in my neighborhood did this and I fucking hate them. Thatโ€™s some misery loves company BS.

Home Owners Associations should be avoided at all costs. Theyโ€™re like a government that provides you with nothing but demands. Like a landlord but theyโ€™re allowed to push you around a bit. At least thatโ€™s how it looks from over here.

First of all, r/fuckHOA, but if you move to an HOA area, you’d better read that stupid handbook

HOAs need to not exist.

sometimes i wanna live in an HOA neighborhood just to not be in the HOA

This man is going to be HOA president in no time

Is it just me, or does this feel more like being mad at the police for arresting black people so you become a cop to arrest more black people.

All your doing is contributing more to the same problem.

I did something similar when we bought our home 12 years ago. Being unfamiliar with HOAโ€™s I was pissed and offended when we received a petty warning letter within the first month. I read the bylaws front to back and filled a 3 ring binder with detailed violations, including photos, on almost every home in the neighborhood (250 homes). Brought it to the next meeting, handed it to the Board members and said something like โ€œWhen you get all of these violations taken care of come see me about mineโ€. Never heard from them again

Just a touch passive aggressive, donchathink?

Malicious compliance.


An eye for an eye makes the whole neighborhood fined

This is actually a great strategy. If the board members fail to take action against all rule violations they open themselves up to accusations of selective enforcement (so document the other offenses and whether action is taken), and even if they actually enforce all the rules equally it will be an eye-opener to lessโ€ฆinvolved homeowners and potentially encourage them to reconsider the existing makeup of the Board at the next election.

as you should.

This is the true spirit of HOAs.

I worked property management for very short stint. This is incredibly common behavior. ๐Ÿ˜‚

It’s also one of the reasons that working property management was such a short turn in my career…

Arson is a better course of action imo.

[War, we’re going to war!](

That’s so fucking awesome

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