India: Meth seized from Myanmarese boat costs more than aircraft carrier Vikrant, built at a cost of $2.49bn

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When the price of drugs outdoes the cost of a national defense asset… that’s a serious issue.

Damn that’s a lot of missing teeth.

how they are going to dispose it ?

If they sell it to China for the same price they could build a bigger meth carrier capable of seizing bigger quantities of meth. Then they should seize more and sell it to western countries and then build the biggest meth carrier of all time covering the whole ocean

So thats why my adderall prescription is backordered

When you name your boat, The Methopotamia, you’re giving away a bit too much.

“Look Jesse they found it ! “

How much did they get? Meth isn’t exactly expensive, at least not in the US where it’s only like 2-4x the cost of weed. Two and a half billion dollars would be like 185,000 lbs on the street, like 250 million doses

Lookth like they’re not mething around

Who tf put 2.5 bill $ worth of drugs in the same boat. Their logistics guy should be fired.

Yo Mr White, we fucked up

Yet the cartel which manufactured these drugs, and you can bet will have their next similar shipment in the very new future, does not have an aircraft carrier, or anything remotely resembling one. Which is another sign that taking the retail cost of a dose that makes it all the way to a buyer, and applying it to the total volume much earlier in the distribution pipeline, is bogus math of the highest order. See similar examples commonly reported in the US where the alleged “street value” of drugs taken will somehow exceed the total income of everyone living and working in that city.


That’s going to make it harder to get ready for work in the morning for sure. Coffee just isn’t cutting it any more.

thats an indirect diss to the coppers tho

Jesse, we need to cook

This saved a lot of death and chaos!! Kudos!!

Probably basing value of Meth on Australia costs, which are absurdly high. Going off US darknet prices that Meth isn’t worth anywhere close to that.

I’ve always wondered who the world’s richest person *really* is. People like Papi Bezos or Zucker Sucker are people whose information we have access to. I wonder if there are some people lurking in the shadows or in the crime world who have a seriously high networth. Is there some King Pin type character worth hundreds of billions?

Let’s be honest, the raw industrial materials needed to make that stuff cost less than $40k. 

It’s like calculating the cost of a Gucci purse with an MSRP of $4,000 but $400 in actual materials. 

Drug cartel: “Ah, darn! Oh well, there’s always tomorrow!”

Cartels worldwide make an estimated $870 billion a year, & that’s after losses due to seized shipments…so, this might sting, but it was just one boat on one day, & the core production, refinement, & distribution functions of that cartel remain intact, so there’s nothing to keep them from creating just as much again.

So India is going to sell this to Russia to get the next second-hand aircraft carrier? I guess the Russian soldier at the front could benefit from this much of meth.

I suddenly have a startup idea.

Drugs on the ~~table~~ entire boat dock

WTH is the cost of a kg of meth? That is of course the street price…

There’s no way that amount of meth is worth that much. It would need to be a tanker’s worth, and then the market price would collapse, so it still wouldn’t be worth that.

Street level price it’s not cost at distribution level. It’s not ok when a truck of apples loses its cargo on the highway to price the value at consumer price. With drugs that there’s a lot of markup to set till the final sell, even less ok.

Thank you says the indian government lmao

Hear me out now ,,why don’t they sell this back to the cartel as a form of recouping tax and then the game of cat and mouse begins again

Sell it

And suddenly India has one aircraft carrier more.

Uff would hate to be the henchmen responsible for ensuring the “package” made it to is destination.

That’s the plan.

Now that’s a lot of meth.

This is a comparison of the maximum street value of the drugs against the manufacturing cost of the boat. Which is not exactly an even comparison. I’m sure the drugs cost a tiny fraction of the boat’s cost to produce.

Still, it’s crazy that those sacks have such a high value!

So now they will sell it and build another carrier right?

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