Indiana Jones – This is the result of a single Nazi catching me stealing. I massacred the entire town with just my fists…

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Mess with the Jones, you get the bones.

So this game *is* true to the source material. Great, thanks for confirming!

Game should be called “Indiana Jones: What Am I Going To Hit a Fascist With Next”.

Unless I am wrong I’m pretty sure those weren’t nazis but Italian fascists under Mussolini (aka Blackshirts)… not that there is much difference

“Fuck it, it’s time to go LOUD.”

-Indiana Jones, portrayed by myself.

[Nobody will notice, if there’s nobody to notice]comment image)


You picked up the medicine vial on the table inside that tent, didn’t you?

Yeah, I had a similar experience.

Those are technically Fascists. That said, these fists are rated “E”

And as afar as they know some random ass Irish priest from Boston did it lol

It’s always bash a Nazi day

Haha I had the same thing happen in that spot, I took something from inside that tent and it was the first time for me seeing that you can steal. I got swarmed and dealt with it.

I expected the whole place to remain hostile and was pretty gutted but nope. Everything was back to normal, it’s just a few bodies on the ground that’s all. 😅

Nazis, nazi zombies, all of it feels great to decimate in any game

They deserved it, TBH.

I bet next time, they will pretend to Nazi a thing

I mean, this is the correct result…cause you know…they’re Nazis.

Love it! Need more Nazi killer simulators.

Yeah trying to properly do the stealth stuff because you can’t be bothered to have to knock out another 20 guys

I thought it was italians in that game?

But have you found the Jaw bone of an ass in the Vatican yet? The beating it throws is absolutely BIBLICAL!

Don’t fuck with Father Gallagher.

*they* belong in a museum.

And boy are my arms tired

the women and children too?

Looks like fists really are mightier than the whip this time!

Not to be *that* guy, but those are Italian fascists, not Nazis.

Same but different, I guess.

So in Assassin’s Creed I’d just go out and pick fights, I’d early stealth. Can I do that in this game too? Cause I wanna fight.

Circa 2010’s – Indiana Owns.

The great circle is the number of survivors you left behind.

I’m a simple man. I see fascists getting beat up and I upvote.

erm. actually they are *blackshirts* not nazis ☝️🤓

A photo depicting what ‘good nazis’ look like.

Good work

I can safely say, they did Nazi this coming.

I’m really interested in finding out more about this game but I don’t want to spoil stuff. I didn’t pay attention to it while it was being developed tbh. Ive heard good things about it, trying to decide on grabbing it.

Those aren’t Nazis chief. Those are black shirts. Still fascist, but not Nazis.

Those aren’t Nazis, those are Italians.

I keep getting slaughtered this way. I need to learn how to fight better

That fucking medicine bottle is ridiculous lmao. There is literally no way to take it “stealthily” and apparently a man in a Blackshirt uniform in a Blackshirt tent taking a medicine bottle from Blackshirt inventory is grounds for the entire fucking plaza to try to beat you to death. I’m loving this game but certain design decisions are *baffling*.

*points to the pile of dead bodies* “No ticket!”

One vs all, they did Nazi that coming.

Is it just me or does this screenshot look 15-20 years old.

I am really enjoying the game, but the brain dead AI is really bugging me. I hope it gets patched.

Don’t tell Asmogold, you will make him upset you hurt his friends.

Remember folks, it’s always morally ethical to punch a Nazi!

Same thing happened to radbrad at his episode 2 playthrough lmao.

As is tradition in any stealth game

Snitches get stitches 😂

“Won’t someone think about the Nazi’s.” (Read in Ned Flanders wife’s voice)

Thats what a nazi would say… *squints eyes*

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