Inmates fighting fires in the Palisades

By ekballo
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I think this is the program that trains inmates in wildland firefighting. It’s a voluntary program that gives them a wildland fire certification and credits toward their sentence and an education. I think it’s a really interesting concept, but apparently it’s also pretty controversial. Here’s the CA Gov site about it:

“So that’s it? We’re some kind of… suicide squad?”

They get paid below minimum wage.

Inmate fire fighters die at a much higher rate

Once the get out most of them can’t become firefighters. I think in California it’s a 10 year wait with 1 felony, and never with 2+

For more info research it if u want

I *might* be okay with this if they were getting paid a real salary for it. It is a voluntary position but they are risking their lives for less than minimum wage. It does provide them on the job training that they could use when they get out (they have to have less than 8 years left to their sentence), but without a real wage you can’t call this anything but [exploitive ](

Firecamp is a desirable position for inmates ,it reduces their sentence and they get to leave the prison boredom

Wow! This truly looks like a painting. Great find!Ā 

Watch the documentary ā€œFire chasersā€ on Netflix it does a good job at showing how these inmates are trained and how they actually take pride in doing this job, also a lot of them then become firefighters once they get out bc they have all the training already. Iā€™d definitely do this if I was in jail.

I know a dude who was going to do two or three years in jail when those fires happened during covid. He was young and healthy so he applied and he got out of jail after about 15 months. He ended up fighting those fires up in Northern California though.

I thought this was a painting

This is insanely unethical.

Making $8 to $10 a DAY

90% of people on this thread have no idea what they’re talking about nor do they understand how prestigious and difficult it is to become a firefighter, especially in LA – even with a perfect record.

Anything anyone can do to *increase their chances* is worth it whether they get the job or not.

Entitled morons cannot understand this concept and expect guaranteed jobs regardless of criminal or work history.

I worked alongside convict crews off and on, and they loved it- all volunteer, it got them money for the commissary, and (most importantly, imo) they get to be out in the world, and contributing positively to society. Thereā€™s a lot of shame, a lot of them are there because of drugs and they almost certainly get a self esteem boost from working their asses off to help others.Ā 

Most people here are idiots so I’ll clear the air with some actual facts.

This is a volunteer only job for inmates. They get paid and once they are out are fully certified and clear to join departments across the country as full time firefighters.

ALSO, speaking from first hand experience, these programs are HIGHLY sought after by prisoners because of above said reasons. They are also stoked to get out into the action and help the community.

Anyone who is complaining about slave labor, blah blah blah is speaking out of their ass.

Source: I’ve been a firefighter for 30 years and have worked with these guys during most large incidents across California. They provide an invaluable service and are all great dudes.

How tf does a voluntary job for CRIMINALS equal slave labor I swear to god I canā€™t with the dumb ass people in this country Iā€™m sick of it


Some of the best firefighters I’ve ever worked with were inmates

ThƩodore GƩricault

People hating on this. If I was locked up Iā€™m sure Iā€™d be jumping at the opportunity for fresh air. Maybe the air isnā€™t fresh but outside of the pound!

I keep seeing comments about modern slave labor. If you live in California you would know we just had a bill that could have ended this program. It was voted against. The inmates volunteer and actually want to work in prison. You should see other Reddit post about this. There are prior inmates and children of inmates defending them being able to work. I donā€™t agree with the pay they make should definitely be increased. In general our fire fighters and EMTs get paid trash.

Been a new law..they can’t ask about criminal records…but if they look

Mad respect for con crews. Responded to a forest fire, con crew walked 2 miles the wrong way (not their mistake)…walked back to camp..walked another 2 the right way and still cut a line.

So… basically slaves? Am I missing something? :/

slaves. inmates are in jails… these are slaves

Ah yes. The ā€œprisoners with jobsā€ fighting fires.

Convicts: The Real mf Backbone of America


All you people saying itā€™s slavery are stupid. Itā€™s a volunteer position, and these inmates love getting out of their cell block to do something valuable and impactful. Thereā€™s documentaries and YouTube videos you can watch on this kind of thing. Inmates arenā€™t forced to fight fires.

That night they had a boiled egg eating challenge.

New Suicide Squad looks lit šŸ”„

Slavery! What’s more ā˜…Americanā˜… than that? /s

Iā€™d theyā€™re not violent or SOā€™s they should have immediate release.

They made a show about that called fire country

California voted to NOT increase wages. To pay them pennies lol

I would dip

Wait. That TV show is real?

Ear Hustle has an excellent episode about the inmate firefighters.

California had the ability to vote away modern slavery in recent election but it didn’t pass. It was on the ballot.

Part of the plot to Firestorm starring Howie Long.

13th Amendment (emphasis mine):

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT AS A PUNISHMENT FOR CRIME WHEREOF THE PARTY SHALL HAVE BEEN DULY CONVICTED, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

There is going to be a movie about this. Or even better a Netflix documentary

Remember when Kamala fought the Supreme Court to keep inmates incarcerated for this program?

Looks like a painting

Looked like an oil painting from a distance

Just a reminder that the Constitution explicitly allows slavery of prisoners. Not sure if that applies in this exact situation, but it does in many.

The more I read about these fires the more horrified I get. Iā€™m so sorry Los Angeles

Where is Trump?

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