Insta thots have ruined the perception of beauty

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Itโ€™s always some untouched keyboard warrior judging other men for who they date. ๐Ÿ™„



Gooners like this piss me tf off

For real. I am plus-sized with medium dark skin and natural hair. I work out and I am smart etc. I had this motherfucker tell me if I were a little lighter and had a weave he’d ask me out. No thanks!

Donโ€™t even trip. My nigga Giannis is happy as fuck

She’s beautiful. I’ve never understood the concept of being so invested in another person’s choice of partner, and then dissing said partner. It happened pre social media, but it’s only gotten worse now. Giannis wakes up smiling and in love every morning, while the cretin that posted that shit is miserable enough to insult a woman he probably couldn’t get on his best day.

Fuck these people, man. They’re so lame.

Look, dumb tweet and all that, but someone needs to tell me how tall this lady is because Iโ€™ve never seen normal people standing next to him and not look like oompah loompahs

Dudes really out here think OF models are status.

She is so pretty! What’s wrong with people???


“These women are ugly”

I’m going to do you one better, doesn’t matter who he is in a relationship with, nobody should care. What a loser, talking about ‘tears.’

Bro go find your father.

I know that this is absolutely the wrong insight to make and probably isnโ€™t helping, but Mrs Giannis also didnโ€™t always look like this, sheโ€™s had 3 of his kids in pretty quick succession. Sheโ€™s still beautiful obviously but her body has changed which makes sense

Youโ€™re not helping the problem calling them โ€œinsta thotsโ€. You may not agree with the way they hold themselves but no need to degrade other women while praising another

Yeah how dare Giannis be happily married to someone who loves him and their kids. The dumbass.

Man shouldnโ€™t be derided or praised for who he dates. They love each other and thatโ€™s their business.

From Milwaukee – we love and cherish Giannis and his whole family here (yes, even Thanasis.) Mariah is an absolute treasure, and anyone that keeps Giannis happy keeps the whole city happy.

Anyone who follows or knows anything about Giannis knows he’s first-and-foremost a wholesome family man. Loyalty means everything to him.

No. Men and their expectations did. Don’t blame women for a man problem.

Sophie Rain? WTF?ย 

I know I’m not gonna boost women by tearing one down or anything, but the dudes saying this shit have gotta be like 15 years years old.

Let’s please not be making decisions about what we value so we can impress the 15 year olds of the world.

I’d rather be happy for real than have to force a smile for IG ~~or~~ AND be miserable in the company of a high maintenance, filter feeding snowbunny

I think she’s pretty, though that shouldn’t matter at all. A person’s character and they way they care for you are most important in serious long-term relationships.

Remember when dudes on the internet tried to convince people that Brie Larson was somehow unattractive?

What’s the issue? She’s beautiful.

There was no way we thought #rentdue posts would slow down on this economy.

I’m tired
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To the OP and in the words of Pusha T “Since you name dropped…. Let em know who you chose as yo Beyonce”

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