Instead of making Europe “great again”, how about the US catch up to Europe?

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MEGA – Make Elon Go Away

Musk has a point. Let’s colonize USA again. They are in desperate need of some democracy 

Therein less the problem. Way too much goes to the poors. MAGA isn’t about Make America great again. MAGA’s goal is to funnel as much public money into the hands of the ultra rich. Sorry that doesn’t fit on a bumper sticker. But when Elon talks about MEGA, he means stripping public programs to enrich himself.

Pretty sure he thinks Europe circa 1942 was great and needs to be recreated.

I’m no conspiracy theorist, but it is obvious that Elon wants political power, not just in the United States, but the rest of the world.

He’s a fucking lunatic. That’s what makes him so dangerous. No, it’s not about money. Yes the richest person in history. Elon is an egotistical maniac that wants people to admire him.

Blood fckn boils when people are saying “EUROPE ” as if is a single country.

Europa is not a country lmao

Elon could make the entire northern hemisphere great by sodding off back to apartheid land

We also don’t have mass school shootings every week of the year here in Europe.

Moreover, a more civilized form of capitalism has developed in Europe, which prevents the emergence of pathologies such as Musk

Can everyone in Europe agree to telling Musk to fuck off. Whatever opportunities arise, he gets told fuck off.

By make it great again, they mean get rid of all this stuff, of course. Global fascism is a movement.

Trump did a speech at one of his make America thick again rallies , basically said if this lot stay in power before you know it they will be offering free health care to which every one booed , he then proceeded to mimic giving the mic a blowjob and everyone cheered. You can’t fix stupid

That man is quickly losing what little sanity he might have left. It’s going to be wild watching him try to meddle in other countries’ affairs.

yet people downvote me when i say that US is a 3rd world country with bloated military

Elon means making Europe great for himself and his billionaire pals. Over my dead body.

The problem is Americans have hated taxation, especially heavy taxation, since 1765 or so🤣🤣🤣 Most will never give up 35-60% of their income for a better quality of life provided by any government

Europe values its children’s lives between the hours of 9am and 4pm…

I really don’t think Elon cares about Europe or the people living in it, his lack of knowledge on the subject shows this.

All he is doing is pushing US propaganda that they’re the ‘best country in the world’ and reinforcing the idea of ‘look guy i’m an American just like you’ for his nationalistic followers, all of whom would lick his ass clean in lieu of toilet paper.

The quality of life in Europe is several magnitudes higher than any state in the US, and the average American Nationalist realising this would destroy the illusion.

And we are about to make it much worse. The only reason why anyone wants us around is our military industrial complex.

Can I please get a sponsor to help send me and my family to the UK pretty please? 

Musk thinks Europe was at its greatest in 1940.

Sounds to me like Elon needs a meeting with Luigi.

But what about their ECONOMY!????

They don’t even have a gun industry!

We don’t want what you’re selling, Elon.

As a person who lives in Europe no we are not better then the US.

Elon can it my megas.

As a european i have to say, please, just fuck off elon

Here’s Musk working towards controlling and installing a one world government. He is slowly succeeding by buying elections like he just did in the US and now he’s working on Europe.

Can Europe just take over the US, the way DJT wants to take over Greenland?

Musk is a mega train wreck. Doesn’t know what to do with himself so became Maga because he saw Trump having all the fun.

Now Americans put that in your pipe and smoke it, convincing a clueless wonder like Trump and his sycophants is another subject.

We dont have lead floating through our drinking water, or flying through the halls of our schools.

Shut the fuck up Muskrat, or learn what a train is, so you can fail at building that compitently too.

Ameritards talking about Europe as if it’s a country again

When someone (usually a filthy rich motherfucker) says make * great again, they really mean make it so the rich can get richer and has nothing to do with making the country better for the citizens. Trump’s cabinet is solid proof of that.

Musk needs to be deported back to SA. He’s a menace and shouldn’t be afforded any luxury of any country outside of where he was born.

Yo, he is just parroting Putins script. Don’t bring us into this like he’s one of us. He doesn’t represent Americans. He isn’t an American.

We move to Europe.


In europe we consider us a third world country

Feel like this sub is just permanently posting responses to political stuff. Miss the times of reading sas and sarcasm at dummies

Allowing the US to catch up to Europe would require taking a little bit of political power away from the billionaires here, and they’re not going to let that happen

MAGA has still yet to tell me when the US stopped being great

America is not Europe and doesn’t want to be. If Europe is so great why are they all miserable? You want a European lifestyle, then move there.

Nearly all of these points are incorrect or dubious. There is no country with more opportunity than the United States, and this becoming more true every year.

This will become even clearer once Europe begins paying for its own security instead of freeloading off of the US.

Make Elon Go Away!

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