Instead of wrapping the fork in a napkin and putting it in his backpack, by boyfriend bends it so that it fits into the Tupperware his lunch was in. I was speechless upon discovery.

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Wash it and give it back bent. That’s his fork now!

This is the kind of man who simply cuts a toothbrush in half to travel with it instead of just buying a travel sized one.

Everybody’s so creative!


Buy him a little kiddie plastic fork that will fit inside his tupperware

If he keeps bending and unbending it, he’ll learn about metal fatigue. If he eats with it bent,he will have to fend off constant quips “It’s not the fork that bends, it is only yourself. There is no fork.”

Get him a switch fork & tell him to quit messing around with the nice silverware
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Uri Geller vibes.

Some called him a madman…

Caveman brain kicked in. 
Dirty. Make Fit. Female be happy. Me smart. 

The truth: There is no spoon.

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Get him a hobo tool, usually in the camping section of any store. Has fork, knife, spoon, wine opener, can opener. I keep mine in my lunch bag

And he’s your boyfriend.

For anyone who doesn’t want to buy plastic or bend their good forks for their lunchboxes, you can get forks really cheap at the thrift store.

Aww! You should buy him “flexible cutlery” for his birthday! 🎂

We usually use it in care homes for people with movement difficulties… But it’ll work here just the same! Better, even!

To be fair, it’s a crappy fork, bend away

This man sits at the right hand of Satan.

That’s the lunch fork now

Bro got life hacks yoooo.

This would drive me crazy.

I feel like that’s somehow psychopath behaviour.

I’m very glad he’s not your husband


What a dumbass. Respectfully of course

Your boyfriend sounds pretty dumb

Looks pretty resourceful. I don’t think that’s a particularly valuable fork. He can just reuse the same one over and over again. Good for him

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