Interesting statement and point of view !

By Dias75
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That’s not a “point of view”, that is reality.

Trump doesn’t give a shit about Mexican lives. I don’t think he gives a shit about fentanyl except that he can use it as a political talking point.

She ain’t wrong.

The US dealing in illegal Gun Trades?!?
Who could have guessed! 🙀

She’s 100% correct.
We need to kill the demand on our side, and the supply will dry out.


An eye, opening reminder of the global impact of the drug trade and the responsibility we all share. Time to have a real conversation about accountability and the consequences of the demand we create.

She gonna deport Americans 😂

Poverty is why people turn to drugs, to forget their pain.

She dropped nothing but facts.

Maybe canada and Mexico should hold American gun makers culpable for murders and suicides

I said this to someone recently and they absolutely didn’t want to hear it. They kept going on about how much drugs comes into America and I was like “Supply and demand. If there wasn’t such a huge demand for drugs in America, they wouldn’t bring them. We need to fix the source of the problem here first.” and this moron was like “That makes no sense! People do drugs because the criminals bring it!” Lmao wtf?! What about the meth heads cooking it here? The prescription fraud…

People are in such denial that America has any problems of its own. It’s all the foreign bad guys! Get rid of them and we will be PERFECT! America is flawless and makes no mistakes ever and never has.. ugggh. It’s so fucking frustrating to talk to these brainwashed people.

Maybe Mexico should start putting illegal immigrants on busses and driving the border…

Like America did to Canada.

Fuck trump… secure your own border bitch.

This isnt a point of view this is just facts. No one talks about it in America but the guns we provide Mexico and our Americans drug addiction has cause Mexico quite a bit of pain.

Saying “point of view”, is disingenuous and condescending when someone is stating facts. It’s just like saying there are good people on both sides when discussing a Nazi rally.

Good for her, speaking up for her country and people. Mexicans don’t deserve to live with us behaving like a terrible neighbor all the time.

A good deal of the gun violence that happens in blue states are from guns registered in red states. Its not surprising they’re trying to export crime to Mexico or potentially Canada

“This message was sponsored by Sinaloa Cartel.”

I get some of her point but it’s little delusional to say Mexicans aren’t using the drugs too

[I wonder how some of those guns got to Mexico.](

The Cartels (that are worth billions of dollars) import the guns.. and create drugs or import them from China to then export to the US. Maybe take ownership of your issue here. If 1 million guns were smuggled into Mexico and there was no Cartels or gangs or just general bad people it would not be an issue. The gun didn’t just shoot someone. Your criminals did.

So again, like with the tariffs… all you have to do to avoid it is secure your own fuckin border? We’re not checking shit going into Mexico and neither are they. They won’t stop illegals from crossing from their side, then they get tariffs. Literally all they have to do to solve their problems and ours, is secure the border. Lol

Lmao this isn’t a “point of view”

Remember when JD Vance and his magats were claiming that Mexicans were smuggling American guns across the border from Mexico? Yeah, that was a dip-shit moment in American political history.

Is this the remnants of the good old fast and furious?

Kinda want to move to Mexico now. lol

Gee. People demand a product at any cost and people will supply it at any cost? Hmm. Idiocracy alive

Eric Holder Fast & Furious. You’re welcome, Mexico.

If guns are to protect us from the government, then what do I need to buy to protect me from gun owners?

I had how documented fact for literally everything is now just one side of an opinion

This is true. It always has been.

She is not wrong. I recall the movie “Traffic” pretty much had the same message.

Why is the only leader in the world calling out Trump a highly intelligent woman.

She speaks truth while male leaders seem cowardly towards the orange idiot .

American companies producing in Mexico will end up paying twice the taxes. trump is essentially, as always, shooting himself in the foot. Hope everybody’s excited about paying $20 for a bag of green beans.

It’s fucking accurate, not “an interesting statement”.

Wanna weaken the Cartels? Make Drugs Legal. Destigmatize them, and offer rehab instead of jail.

The whole world knew this YEARS ago… Americans are so ignorants about mostly everything. It’s sad.

Oh yeah, Operation Fast and Furious. Thanks, Obama.

Is a hero emerging?

The Orange King doesn’t care about any of this. He only cares about his Orange Balls. That’s all. Not the truth, not the facts.

I’ve been saying this for years. Mexico and Canada get all their illegal guns from the US while US leaders complain about drugs.

Good for her. Seriously.

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