Introducing DEI, MAGA’s kryptonite

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Remember Nepotism exists because those in power desire (and will) to have their family and friends in office with them.

It’s like aristocracy but cosplaying as a free market and democracy.

It helps the company to have a diverse workforce. You get new ideas, and you’re less likely to embarrass yourself publicly

They know this. They’re getting rid if it so they can hire their white hoodlum friends again.

Nuh-uh all the racism evaporated after the Civil War and then double-evaporated when Obama got elected

One of the reasons they hate DEI so much because it gets in the way of their Nepotism

Pete Hegseth is example number one.

Which is why I **URGE** my fellow people in this world to not refer to a mf like Hegseth as a “DEI” hire but to refer to him as “what you Republican idiots incorrectly think is a DEI hire” or better & as mentioned in this post – the reason why DEI was started.

That part. When MAGAniacs talk about firing all DEI hires, they really mean fire all poc, but for them it’s the same thing because they all assume there’s no way a poc could actually just be more qualified than a white candidate for the same job. Cause if they thought any different they might have to reevaluate themselves. Nope, no way, I can’t be mediocre but benefitting from white privilege, I shouldn’t have to work any harder, it must be wokeness.

This is exactly what I told a brainwashed conservative moron 3 days ago who was trying to argue that America is an egalitarian, equal nation and that meritocracy is a good thing for this country.

I outright told him that I do want the best qualified person without consideration for their race, gender or sexuality but 99.9% of the time, historically and currently, cishet old white men in any position of power in any industry have shown that without DEI programs to level the playing field and essentially force their hand that they will overwhelming choose other cishet white men even if they are far less qualified over a Black or POC person.

People complained about Affirmative Action and DEI like this country has hired, and more importantly compensated, based on merit in any meaningful capacity without the government or a union coming in and telling them to.

“It’s not what you know. It’s who you know.” That phrase doesn’t exist for no reason.

They literally hired a fat ass moron with no skills beyond being a hateful criminal to be President as opposed to a super competent brown woman who used to put criminals in prison.

The concept of a merit-based promotion makes them want to hang people.

White dude here.


I’d love to say that people don’t see color (or even ethnicity) but that’s evidently wrong.

Trump’s cabinet alone is a perfect example of why DEI is necessary and in lieu of DEI, aptitude tests.

We’ve got a dog-killer from the middle of nowhere running Homeland Security. She was governor of a state with less people than many major cities.

We’ve got an alcoholic wife-beating FOX news host who did a few years in the National Guard running the entire US military.

We’ve got a heroin and steroid addict anti-vaxxer who is clearly in Big Wellnesses back pocket likely about to run Health and Human Services.

It’s all just a big fucking joke.

[great DEI perspective. Also my wife!](

Now they want to hire “by merit” and majority of DEI hires are literally more educated than them😂😂 it’s going to end in tears for some and they literally can’t compute it. The lack of critical thinking is insane but expected.

This is why the MAGAs are so mad about DEI initiatives. White dudes like to talk about meritocracy until it is implemented and they realize they are not as qualified as they think.

It’s a team who are willing to call out the racism and sexism issues happening at the company and in the industry and leaders we’re having none of that.
Big issue is the argument for business was always “more diverse people bringing more diverse ideas drawing more diverse customers.” I don’t know if any of the DEI teams were successful at proving out that last part, which gives leaders the justification to disband the teams. It sucks and it’s stupid.

I spent about 15 minutes on Facebook yesterday with a dunce who took offense to me saying that any effort to remove DEI is an effort to reinstate white supremacy in regards to the MAGA attempt to erase the Tuskegee Airman from Air Force curriculum. It broke his brain and it ended in him blocking me, but it was time well spent. lol

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Positionality is a helluva drug. People who have money + clout utilize both to keep and increase both while pinning other people down.
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Tbh, this seems to be eclipsing race in some ways because of greed and addiction to $s

Yeah but they really just want to say ban all the N words but they know they can’t say it so they ban « DEI » instead and do the exact same thing

White folks and Republicans hate DEI. But if you follow sports in the US, specifically the NFL, look how many white men are employed because of their father. They literally have the same last name of a successful NFL coach.

Indeed. Trump’s entire cabinet is like exhibit A.

Honest to god . It’s really not a hard concept to grasp yet I try to explain it to people and they lose their ever loving god damn minds

Is there anyone dumb enough to still believe this?

And then the whites went and made DEI a slur

White folks aren’t ready for the conversation though.

I guarantee you there are white people and 🦝s calling her racist under that post just for pointing that out 😭

I believe I have seen more evidence of mediocrity because of nepotism and cronyism than was ever possible with DEI. The mediocre always complained that DEI promoted mediocrity–which is as far from the truth as you can get.

Well…DEI isn’t just about race, but it is *anti-racist.*

You don’t get the blue shell in first place.

I’m sure this subreddit will have critical unbiased thought and not be an echo chamber.

but that requires acknowledging systemic racism in the present, which they refuse to do for the past so here they are not knowing what “woke” means and throwing it around like a pejorative.

Two things can be true at once.

DEI is racism and largely affects Asian people.

And DEI exists because white people were racist.

DEI is literally there to make sure that people hire based on merit because they historically didn’t. The amount of times I’ve had to drill that into the white half of my family is crazy.

White dude here who works for a larger company. Most of my family is MAGA and I often have to explain to them what DEI really is and why it’s necessary for a society built on real equality. When Trumpers started honing in on the acronym as well as words like “woke” I was certain it was going to be one of the number one things they would run with in his election, and here we are.

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