Ireland… save yourself

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Ireland has nothing to worry about. He’s apparently one of the most disowned, hated Irishmen alive.

Irish person here, just if anyone is wondering you don’t just declare you are running for president of Ireland and the role of president is ceremonial in nature rather than operational. If you want to be president you need support from people in gov and a few county councils (kind of like state gov) which Conor I’m not sure will be able to get enough acceptance to get nominated. If he did get nominated and win the role of president of Ireland has no power over really anything important, they sign our laws or send them for judicial review but have no military power or whatever, their main job is just to chat to foreign leaders over a cup of tea and take pictures. If the president says “we will build a wall” in Ireland they would be met with laughter from everyone.

So this is what he said he has “the full backing of the Trump Administration” for.

Truly hoping Ireland shows both Conor and Trump exactly what that backing is worth.

I cant wait til this cunt claims that election is rigged and storm Dublin as a protest.

Good luck, ireland! We believe you can defeat this cunt!

He has to get nominated to run for president.
A lot of far right loons said they were going to run for president in the past but didn’t get nominated.

To qualify, candidates must:

be a citizen of Ireland,
be at least 35 years of age, and
be nominated by:
at least twenty members of the Houses of the Oireachtas (as of 2024, 160 TDs and 60 senators), or
at least four of the 31 county or city Councils, or
him- or herself, in the case of an incumbent or former president who has served one term.

Wait he did what what the fuck

Andrew Tayto


Ireland about to be flooded with Russian propaganda

Answer: the US.

I think we should bring back public hanging just for him… Make an example

It’s just pathetic attention seeking from him to keep himself in with the “Irish” Americans.

it a joke? meme

You can’t fix stupid. I’ll bet you Burger King put him up to that.

MIWCCA? Make Ireland the World’s Coke Capital Again?

I know this one!

Well, the mighty US did, twice, so it’s always an option….

This is how the age of man ends. I never thought I would be alive for it but holy shit.

Cokie the Clown


A rapist wants to be president! Well since he is in with Eww-its-a-long-mutt and co, one is not surprised.

I’ve seen this particular play and can confirm it is absolutely not satisfying. Prepare for major disappointment.

He will make the eggs cheaper

As an American it makes me sad… What kind of dumb country would elect a rapist as president????

Let me think about it…

The Divided States of America, that’s who

Yeah, I can’t wait to see the spanking he’s going to get – then the claims of woke conspiracy afterwards.

As a Londoner who grew up around a lot of Irish people (as well as having a bit in the blood) I think I can take an educated guess and say they will not fall for this ridiculous shit. The Irish love the craic but this is a joke too far.

Ummm 🤔 I have some bad news for y’all

Two things:

1. Nomination: he will require 20 members of Irelands Oireachtas (Parliament of upper and lower houses) or 4 county councils to nominate him, which is unlikely.

2. If he manages to get a nomination, Irelands elections are ran on Proportional Representation – Single Transferable Vote. So the electorate would have to rather him than everyone else put together.

Was her comment sattire?

Ohhh so that’s what they were discussing.. the orchestration of McGregor as an European president…

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