Irony is interesting.

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But is it doing it?

Software is actually in high demand

AI is not robbing engineers of their jobs

This is straight up a lie. If you really think this, then you have no fucking clue what AI can and can’t do lmao. Seriously, at least in my area of work (software engineer), AI is just a tool. You wanna use it? Good. You don’t wanna use it? Also good.

And this is without mentioning that now you can work developing, mantaining or integrating AI.

Uhh, it is absolutely not. It is not able to actually do the mathematics required since most of these AIs are just predictive text or image models without actual context behind the mathematics principles the problems engineers solve are based on.

I had this demonstrated by a professor who used ChatGPT to do our homework in front of us. As a class, we took turns explaining why each answer was wrong.

If AI took your job you were never an engineer. You were useless.

The engineers designing AI are getting paid enough not to care when they become redundant.

“Heh not me, I’m too important”

all other jobs in this world:




maybe it was intentional

You do realize how engineers arent the ones making Ai right? Do you think that Ai is hand scripted by people?

*Software engineers

Built their own grave

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