Is he just stupid?

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Fun fact: People with certain proclivities often cannot conceive of other people not sharing those proclivities. In this case, a serial sexual assaulter and rapist assumes that all men are prone to the same behavior. This is a prime example of what is commonly known as a โ€œself-report.โ€

Let me get my surprised face ready; OMG you mean a convicted rapist thinks its normal for people to be rapists?!?!?!?

Male on male military sexual assault is also a thing. With studies. But telling he doesn’t think dudes are capable of that.ย 

They say never attribute someone’s words and actions to maliciousness when it can as easily be attributed to ignorance, but with Trump, you can go ahead and assume maliciousness. Is he stupid? Yes. Is he evil? Also yes.

Do they just plan to get women out of the military instead of putting order in the ranks?!?!?!?!?

What about the men who also get assaulted and hazed?!?!?!?

It is not about gender, it is about power and violence. We’ll, I guess he is of course for sexual violence after all, instead of getting the responsible punished for what they have done .



He’s speaking from experience

Projectionโ€”he canโ€™t be with a woman without trying to rape her, so he assumes thatโ€™s how everyone else operates.

I always find it fascinating that our military can condition kids to murder people without a second thought, but keeping them from raping their colleagues is just too much of a challenge.

Trust a rapist to have this mindset

Maga is a rapey peado cult

is this the excuse heโ€™ll use to kick women out of the military? wouldnโ€™t put it past him

Men are incapable of controlling their actions and must be kept under guard in order to protect women! I mean, exposed shoulders can drive a man crazy! /s

26,000 unreported sexual assaults in the military? I thought Trump wasn’t in the military? Huh, go figure.

Been around women 34 years in class, at work, in private settings. Never raped. Am, am I not a man guys?!?

I guess civility and respect werenโ€™t options according to trump and hegseth?

I mean he is a raper so, yeah.

That’s what *he* would do.

Wow. I actually, physically shuddered. I know he’s stupid and a criminal, but seeing the way his mind works is just terrifying. And that’s the president-elect of the most influential country in the world


Well, that’s how rapists think isn’t it?

That explains Trump’s rape accusations.ย 

I think he wants not very smart people like himself to have the dream of being president someday.

Men and women are together everywhere else in society. Is he saying American servicemen are unable to not rape?

Once again this is simply projection. Trump is a serial sexual assaulter. He thinks of women only as sex objects, so he assumes all men think that same way. He knows he couldn’t be around women without assaulting them so he assumes all men can’t be around women without assaulting them.

Yes, because he has no self control and believes all men don’t have it because he’s a narcissist unable to conceive not everyone thinks like him.

Isn’t this similar to the old trope by religious and others that …. women who dress provocatively are asking for it because men can’t control themselves if women show off legs and arms and ik some places faces ..

Wow what can you even say about this insanity?

Yes. He is also a rapist.

That’s a rhetorical question…

Isn’t this their argument against trans people in the military too? Like, “once the men see the corporal privates, they’ll sexually assault or harass them”

He expects no one is capable of more than himself

How do we have numbers on unreported things?

Raping is his expertise.

Given the number of allegations he has faced (not to mention reports falling short of allegations and the Access Hollywood recording), *of course* he thinks so.

This post ASSUMES that all 238 acts were conducted my men

Rapists defending rape and using it to marginalize women even more.

Trump is a piece of shit person, felon, fraud, rapists, and traitor.

Trump essentially said “a man’s default setting is rape.”

Everyone who supports Trump is a rape defender. Zero exceptions.

Now look up what portion of reported and unreported victims are men.

1/20 reported victims are male, only 10 percent of male victims report.

He’s just stupid.

Trump believes other men are like him.

If anyone understands the mind of a rapist itโ€™s DJT

Speaking from experience

Reminds me of a former coworker. I was the manager and he was the assistant manager and we had an agreement that we both had to agree before we hired someone. I wanted to hire a woman to our team that was all men. He threw a tantrum because he was worried that there would be sexual harrassment of the woman. I told him that it’s BS to not hire a woman because the men in our department couldn’t behave themselves and actually had to go to the company owner to break the tie. Luckily we ended up hiring her and a lot more after. Come to find out later he had accusations of inappropriate behavior in his work past as well as a very jealous wife who had worried about him sleeping with female coworkers.

That’s because Trump has never met a woman he didn’t think about assaulting

At least heโ€™s admitting that men are absolutely the problem lol

Is he suggesting that men should be banned from the military?

I have become so desensitised to his tweets now, that nothing he writes surprises me. He has set the bar so incredibly low, that you eventually become used to his misogynistic, racist, dumbf*****y.

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