Is he just stupid?

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When you are a habitual liar you don’t seek the truth before opening your mouth.

He’s a liar and a grifter who’s counting on people not fact checking him. You saw how badly he reacted when he was called out in a debate. People are just idiots to believe him at this point and I’ve lost all sympathy for them.

Gen X should be ashamed of themselves, screwing their own kids over. So much for the “whatever, man” generation. Signed – a Gen X

Concidering his age i can kinda understand that he thinks 50y old are young people.

Does anybody here realize that a poll is different from results? Only 22k responded in that poll which is not election results.

Mfers didn’t vote.

I know so many people who didn’t vote and at the same time have an opinion.

At this point, fuck your opinion, you share part of the blame, and fuck you too.

And old. Seriously at his age, 50 probably seems young.

In his defense… 50 to 64 is ‘the youth’ to him.

The one thing with Trump is you need to try to dumb yourself down and understand why he believes something…maybe a lack of comprehension, misunderstanding of basic facts etc but you need to be armed with that info before you can break through to
His followers which are as bad at critical thinking or worse…if that’s possible


This is hilarious considering he’s trying to cut Social Security, Medicaid, anesthesiology, and ACA. You voted against your own interests 😭 🤣

Trump isn’t just stupid, he’s ignorant and senile to boot.

His orange ass is the one who began the whole TikTok ban talk, but now he loves it? BS.

Everything is always about his Ego. Every. Single. Thing.

To be fair, 50-64 yrs is youth compared to him.

No, he is not “just” stupid. He is also ignorant, racist, sexist, and xenophobic. He is also an accused pedophile (by 3 different women.) He is also a convicted sexual predator, and a convicted felon. He reads at about the 3rd grade level and vocally communicates at about the 5th grade level. He is also one of the only people on the planet to run 2 casinos into bankruptcy. Oh yeah, and he said, on television, after some decent people were protesting a Nazi march, that there some really great people “on both sides.”

Lying liar lies to morons.

More at 11…

That data is bullshit, i know trump lies – but disprove it with proper data.

23k respondents does not represent the country.
where was this data collected? the data will be completely different in a blue state and red state.

How was it collected? was it online? not everyone spends half as much time on the net as your average redditor. There are many people who don’t bother with these, especially post election.

I wish we had accurate data, but we simply don’t – therefore this is not a clevercomeback but a wishfull thinking response

He knows most people are not looking this stuff up. He knows his base will believe whatever claim he makes about everything, every time, and even when the claim is proven wrong, his base will call it fake, or they will recontextualize it to be true in it’s own way, or it was always just a joke and you were too woke/liberal/commie to ever realize that, or “shut the fuck and get owned liberal, I win.”

They don’t care what the truth is.

No. But he doesn’t care one iota for anyone that isn’t a white male. And he won the white male tiktok vote. GenZ males voted for him by a silly margin.

100% MORON.

This makes me wonder.

If there’s a minimum age to vote because people too young don’t understand what they’re voting for, should there be a maximum age to vote for the same reason?

The only group he won by 34 points was Nazis.

And winning that age group was enough to win the entire election… if this were the other way around the Republican Party would be screaming foul play.

Yes he’s just fucking stupid

Yes – besides being a compulsive liar he is also paralyzingly stupid.

Gen X is a young hip crowd to an old fucking geezer like Trump.

No, he he won GenZ males with a 56% share.

Besides, get rid of this TikTOk bullshiat, and we’ll get rid of a lot of these assholes who do “prank” videos. Social media is a cancer.

So it was the 50-64 year olds that fucked us.

He has a warm spot in his pants from where he shits himself

What is this chart of 23 thousand respondents showing ? what even was the question there ?

I hate the asshat as much as anyone else with a right mind, but the tweet refers to a poll, not the election. Different polls will show different results, and the data sets point to majority of white youth voting for Trump, who also made gains with young Hispanic voters (Black and Asian youth were more heavily in favor of Harris). Young men also tended to vote for Trump. [This site](,-major-differences-by-race-and-gender) has some findings on the youth vote.

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