Is he just that stupid

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This is all in Project 2025. The writers of this harsh agenda must be having wet dreams right now.

They defined male and female though.

Female: Female at the time of conception.

Male: Male at the time of conception.

So we are all female now.

Funniest part is if you read their official definition from whitehouse, their definition makes everyone in usa female since they define it starting from conseption. At the earliest fetal stages everyone is female.

Is the war in Ukraine over yet?

the executive order also states it’s based off the fetus at conception. testes aren’t developed for several weeks after conception. we are all female

>permit men to … gain access to intimate single-sex spaces and activities designed for women

Like the dressing rooms at a beauty pageant?

Another example of the “don’t tread on me” folks telling people how to live their lives.

Edit: my assumption was that libertarians supported Trump was misplaced. I assumed that they would vote for Trump over Harris. 

*licks boot*

you can fit so much freedom under this bad boy

A guy I work with voted trump to keep “dudes” out of the same bathroom as his daughters… His youngest daughter is 24🤦🏻‍♂️.

Edit to explain the irony: Guy votes to keep his adult daughter safe in bathrooms but votes for the party that took away his adult daughter’s freedom of choice.

listen one percent of the population is a trans so where are my lower egg prices and gas prices and where is my affordable housing.

These people do exist and they are real, it’s just stupidity and cruel to think otherwise let alone enforce that as an executive order.

This idiot doesn’t know who pays a tarrif, do you expect him to know the difference between Sex and Gender? I doubt he can tie his shoes in the morning. 

That will bring the prices down, we are saved folks!!!

It’s back to Bruce Jenner now.

They don’t care. They really don’t care at all. They like their biology the way it was taught to them in grade school, and anything different or more complicated is weird and wrong and they’re just going to ignore facts and insist everyone else conform to what they want.

Well then, suck my dick..


Happy now, Bruce Jenner?

Yes. There are also people born intersex. They are not trans, they just have characteristics of both sexes from birth.

Every second spent on this is time not spent focusing on him admitting Elon hacked/rigged voting machines to flip votes.

He said it.

He can’t unsay it.

Are we just gonna accept it?

the stupid is exceedingly strong in this one

I know this isn’t the point but…aren’t “as of today” and “henceforth” redundant?

I don’t know what’s worse, Trump sounding dumb, or trump trying and failing to sound smart.

More jazz hands to keep everyone occupied while they dismantle the country behind the scene.

I’m intersex and androgynous. This is a fucking hell for me every day.

Does this mean Trans people are OK as long as they identify as one of these two “genders”? Or, more likely, this fat orange idiot has no idea what hes talking about as he reads whatever nonsense is put in front of him.

America will never be able to recover from this. It doesn’t matter about our GDP or anything else. No one will ever take us seriously nor feel they can trust us again. We are living in our own fall of Rome. Democracy, decency, morality, respect, and honor died to the sound of applause

Not sure he has the authority to pull this one off.

My favorite take is Bruce Jenner unironically applauding this imbecile.

I have to call him Bruce now. Trump said so.

I can’t. Science doesn’t even support that there are only two sexes (or genders). My heart breaks for the intersex folks. Some people appear to be females at birth. The , when they don’t grow breasts or start periods, doctors discover no uterus, and testicles in the abdomen.

Even if this is the case for only a single human being, this orange scrotum can’t make it not be so.

And then baffling all boomers, everyone who had anything going in their lives still acknowledged that non hetero, lgbt peple still existed.

Organize, unionize, civilian resistence works.

Not acknowledging them doesn’t make them not exist. Just like avoiding climate change doesn’t stop it.

How is Lil Tay smarter than our president.

He can’t even hate right, the order says “at conception” so everyone’s female I guess

How can we expect him to run the government if they can’t even get hate right

I think he said exactly what he meant. Your gender is your sex.

And yes, that is basically like saying “homosexuals don’t really exist”. And that would be how he would run government policy.

No he’s not stupid in this case.

They want to eliminate any difference between sex and gender and call them males and females: both sex and gender.

Keep distracting the dumb fux who voted for this kind of shit. They won’t notice you picking their pockets.

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