Is he simply stupid?

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Thats how he thinks. He is a rapist, you know.


Also, he thinks all men want is to rape women because that’s what he wants.

No, he’s a predator who doesn’t respect women.

If they’re unreported, how does he know about them?

Q: Is he simply stupid?

A: Yes

todays republicans have either one or both, mostly both:

– cognitive dissonance

– no empathy

He is, in fact, speaking from personal experience.

The MAGA mission statement

Can we just stop the insanity and just send him to jail?

1. You don’t have to censor his name

2. He is a rapist and sex trafficker who recently pardoned Andrew Tate, another rapist and sex trafficker. Probably because he’s missing the company of Jeffrey Epstein, a rapist and sex trafficker.

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The fact that this was written by a president of anything is astounding

One of the golden rules with Trump is that every accusation he makes is a confession.

He’s called service members losers and suckers. He doesn’t see them as people. Anyone who can’t offer him something personally is inhuman to him.

He’s a rapist.

Wow. Just wow.

Lol, the man literally said he could grab women by the 🐈. This is on-brand for him.

Well, he should know.

Well, then obviously male doctors needs to be fired across the board. And nurses. And prison officers. And those working with teenagers.

Since men are animals and should be kept away from innocent women.

Glad we cleared that up


Victims of MST are not only women. Just ask my partner, a victim of MST. We both loudly say FUCK TRUMP!

I told my soldiers that if we can’t trust you to control your little gun, they wouldn’t be trusted with a bigger one, either.

Well yes, he is simply stupid. According to what he says … men are basically rapists. Can’t blame him for thinking that thiugh …. Just comparing them to himself.


Almost like women should be respected and not abused in any space, Or anyone, actually?

He speaks from experience.

So, is the genius saying that the military should be run like the Catholic church to prevent sexual abuse? I’m just asking questions here.

I think the word you’re looking for is “evil”.

Better. We expected better.

He is somewhat an expert on the topic.

Not simply. His stupidity is on a level few mortals are able to achieve.

That’s how it’s always worked for him

If they’re not reported, how do do they know how many there are?

That is his MO and, if he didn’t have projection, he wouldn’t have anything.

“Just grab them by the pussy”

*Profoundly (as in stupid).


Wait sexual assault bad again? Except when it’s politicians and priests- got it!

Exactly what you thought..

He’s been raping all his life. It’s all he knows.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: ‘a thief believes everyone steals.’

“Rapist thinks all men act the same as him.”

Well he would know, wouldn’t he?

It is his personal experience. He can’t help but grab them by the kitty.

He’s leaking his own values. I’m the only male in my office at work. I’m sure he’d be amazed to learn that I’ve not only not raped any of my colleagues but I’ve never even been tempted to do so.

Figure out how many women and men have been raped around the world that aren’t in the military. Women are raped by women at female prisons. Men are raped by men in male prisons. Women who aren’t in the military have been raped by men who are. Statistically with 1.3 million individuals in the military rape is going to happen. In 1980 when I was on board the USS America with an all male contingency a rape occurred. Unfortunately, rape happens, and it has nothing to do with men and women serving together in the military. I know this would be something new to try but think before you speak. Just a thought.

So stupid that he’s a DEI hire.

Yes, Trump believes all men are rapists. Dennis Prager said something similar at some point. It’s part of their insane cult mentality that men are animals and women should be kept in cages to protect them from the animals. The Taliban say very similar things. But also, nowhere does it seem specified that the rapes he’s talking about are man-on-woman rape. He just assumes it, because, again, men are animals and women are prey. But the fact is that rape in the army has always been a thing, including when there were no women there. Rape isn’t a sex act, it’s a humiliation/domination act. Men have been getting raped in the army, in prison and so on since forever. But none of this matters to them, because reality doesn’t matter to them. Just whatever puts into action their social rules. That’s all they care about.

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