Is he stupid?

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“Democrat in charge of spending” … sounds like a very convenient but not entirely honest label.

….so….I guess the biological differences between sexes only applies when trying to ban trans athletes from sports?

Once more proving it was never about safety for women.

For the few people in the comments arguing there’s no difference between men and women in car crashes and that the current method of testing is fine and we shouldn’t change current regulations, let me share the one time I was in a car crash in my life.

This was in 2008, I had just turned 20. Me and three other friends (2 guys and 1 girl) were out driving from San Jacinto, CA to Anaheim, CA for a fun trip to celebrate mine and the girl’s shared birthday. While going down the 91, the car ahead of us slammed on his breaks.

I was in the back seat with my female friend. Our two other friends were in the front. We were all wearing our seatbelts. I got away with mostly bruising and being sore for two weeks. Our two friends in the front seats had some broken bones. Potentially due to be smaller and lighter than the rest of us, our female friend was slammed forward into the passenger seat, knocking her out. She was paralyzed from the neck down due to injuries she sustained from the crash. While she did live, she suffered more injuries than us guys did.

So yes, there needs to be more thorough testing. Before arguing that things are fine and don’t need to change, then maybe you can come up with an explanation as to why women ages 20 to 40 are 20% more likely to die in a car crash than men in the same age group and situations.

In their defense none of the guys who like Rogan have ever seen a woman.

It’s funny how they know all about the differences in male and female biology when it comes to trans people but not when it comes to road safety, where it actually fucking matters.

Though considering it’s mostly about boobs interacting with seatbelts….

They truly could not understand sex and gender if their lives depended on it.

They’ve been arguing that for sports debates for so long. I think their natural disposition is to just be against anything Democrats want without actually thinking about why.

Conservatives: “There are only two genders. Mens bodies are different than women’s bodies and they can’t change.”

Democrats: “We need crash test dummies that account for the difference between men’s and women’s bodies.”

Conservatives: “What do you mean men’s and women’s bodies are different!?!”

I’ve been re-watching News Radio, the sitcom that Joe Rogan was in when he was young. His character was an idiot conspiracy theorist and it makes me wonder if he just decided to keep it going after the show was cancelled.

This kind of right wing retardation is exactly why women’s medical science is so woefully far behind. Like fucking news flash people, we have different anatomies and what’s safe for one may not work for another.

There’s a book called “Invisible Women”, which describes many other (often medical) things like this.

I remember a speaker at a tech conference discussing how the manufacturer of her pacemaker didn’t know how to handle her being pregnant, possibly because of the baby’s heartbeat.

Yes, yes he is. He has stated as much many times…

This isn’t in the name of road equality. This is because of the fact that a diversity of body types and characteristics ensures crash simulations are realistic. Therefore, it helps prove that the air bags and other safety features work to protect all passengers. It’s the same thing as also having kid crash test dummies, because obviously kids are physically different from adults.

Edited to add: [Here’s an ABC news article]( on the issue. Using female crash test dummies has been proposed because “Women are on average more likely to die or be injured in a car crash than men, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO). One 2019 study published in the journal Traffic Injury Prevention found that women are 73% more likely to be seriously injured in a crash compared to men.”

Literally all they saw was purple hair

They have to have completely separate bathrooms and their razors have to be different, but why on earth would we need different crash test dummies for them?

dude has the ear of enough americans to sway things and it’s all fucked

Another stupid headline designed to piss people off.

I didn’t think I was capable of prejudice…

Then I discovered my hatred of Republicans.

Conservative here. Actually I have never throught that we need female crash dummies. But it makes absolute sense. This has surprisingly been a useful post.

That’s so dumb. Hadn’t really occurred to me and now that it’s been pointed out, of course there should be at least 2 variants of crash dummies.

I mean. Women’s bodies are different from men’s bodies. And if studying forces on a body matters. Then having a body that emulates a woman’s body would make sense.

In fact, I’d argue crash test dummies should have all shapes and sizes. Because those are the sizes of the customers driving and riding in the vehicle.

People don’t know this but cars are designed basically exclusively with male representative crash test dummies. 

It’s no bullshit women probably get hurt more in crashes because of it. 

Stupid AND stoned. People say that excessive marijuana use doesn’t hurt the human body. I present Joe Rogan as an example that you might be wrong.

Is he stupid? Yes, objectively.

Yes. Joe Rogan is stupid. 

Like it’s so crazy how easy the culture war shit is for them. Could these dummies be used to identify specific injury risks for people with breasts, a uterus etc..? Nope. Must be woke spending something something trans people

That’s cool anyway did you know most medical textbooks up until recently only had male examples and a female heart attack has totally different symptoms?

It’s because they look at Trump and Elon as ‘alphas’ and they’re shaped like half sucked candy

Common problem with right wing morons: Their understanding and curiosity never extends beyond memes and headlines.

There’s a valid reason for this issue to be raised. We need tests on humans lighter than 210 lbs with broad shoulders and long legs

See the Forbes article:

[Will Female Crash Test Dummies Improve Vehicle Safety for Women](

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