Is my gfs cat fat

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Yes, but im not gonna tell him to his face.

Thicc as a brick

Idk about fat but i know Gotham city is safe atleast

this car looks like a bodybuilder

Idk about fat but it looks like it bullies your gf to get extra food

I don’t know about fat but seems very judgmental.

He looks like his street name is “The Enforcer”

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don’t tell him I said this, but yes.

Thick as concrete

Absolute unit. Brick house.

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Choose your next word wisely

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lol mines the skinny twin

Seems like he already knows what you think about him

That’s a thicc ass boi

I think he prefers the term “festively plump”



He lifts weight

I hope this is a joke type post and she actually has him on a diet. I don’t want to be the party pooper here, and I totally get there could be more going on in the background, but if he is just fat from overfeeding then please try to get your GF to do something about it. Obesity in pets is no joke.

*edit for spelling

I hate to call a cat fat based on a picture. Your vet is your best guide on size and diet. But in this case, IMO this adorable kitty needs to go to the vet for a consultation.

Yes, I would talk to a vet about reducing his food intake.
If he is normal health wise then the issue is likely food intake and potentially lack of activity.

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Cat is ripped like a gorilla.

Might have Myostatin Hypertrophy. Knew a cat with it. Strong as hell and heavy, was not the usual experience when picking up a cat.

He just big boned

Chonkster 😻😻😻😻⛄⛄⛄

He is merely well fed

Looks overweight to me, which is unhealthy for the cat!

He’s not fat, just highly visible

Yea. That kitty is a bit husky.

thick in all the right places

Yes he is.

Yes. I’d say go to the vet for guidelines on helping him lose weight safely

Yes, and that’s not good. We think fat cats are cute or funny but it’s really just sad and almost always results in problems later down the line. Do you know how common diabetes is in overweight cats and how much of a responsibility caring for them it is? They deserve better from us.

It definitely looks on the big side… But If you’re looking for a serious answer, feel the ribcage on the cat. It should feel like you’re running your hands over your knuckles when your hand is opened up. If you can’t feel the ribs at all, then yes, fat.

He’s not fat. He’s got hips, that’s all.

not fat, just got thiccc bones


He is beefy




Looks like my cat after he ate his sister.

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I’ve never seen a cat shaped like an apple lol. Homie needs to stop skipping leg day.

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