Is same thing?

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They aren’t really the same thing.

its part of the healthcare system, and its one of the big reasons why us healthcare is as broken as it is

edit: i also like that this meme doesnt even hint at the difference, so this meme is just op crying about a nonissue

healthcare is the services provided by the hospital

insurance is a means to pay for it.

and they’re kinda intertrined and it’s a mess. and last time something tried to be done about it our deductibles went though the freaking roof…

Same scam. Different names.

In America where the average person requires one to receive the other. I would argue that insurance is healthcare in America.

Healthcare is a human right, medical insurance is profiting off of a lack of human rights.


Well the healthcare system works with insurance companies to fix prices so healthcare is unobtainable without insurance.

Peter, is this true?

Healthcare is getting access to the service provided by a medical facility while insurance paying in advance to then receive money in a specific scenario

Healthcare provides the service, insurance provides the hope of paying for it.

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