Is Ted just stupid?

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Hey, aren’t we around that time of year when Texans freeze because the power network is broken, and when Ted fucks of somewhere warm?

Have met him I can confirm he is not actually stupid, just a gigantic asshole.

Yes – he is paid to lie to the public which is a very stupid way to travel through one’s life, especially given all the other career options available to him, and other Ivy-like educated graduates, who choose politics.

โ€œTed, how do you feel about the Green New Deal?โ€

โ€œ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซTHE GREEN NEW DEAL IS BAD FOR MERIKA ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ!โ€

โ€œTed, how do you feel about the eating children, especially yours?โ€

โ€œ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซTHE GREEN NEW DEAL IS BAD FOR MERIKA ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ!โ€

โ€œTed, what state do you represent in the senate?โ€

โ€œ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซTHE GREEN NEW DEAL IS BAD FOR MERIKA ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ!โ€

He’s not JUST stupid. Don’t get me wrong, he’s stupid. But he’s also an opportunistic, smarmy, craven little jackass who’s as self-centered as a gyroscope. Who is also stupid.

The energy industry as we know it is literally killing us.

That would be a good thing, for one it would cut off a ton of funding for the conservative political movement

If only there were something that could destroy blob fish as we know them ๐Ÿ™„

No, but the people he’s talking to are and he knows them well.

Is this a recent tweet? I find it funny that the GOP continue to hang on to a bill that died in the House 5 years ago

No, he’s not just stupid.

He’s vexatious, repugnant, bigoted, racist, and a failure also ran that has little personality, but still people vote for.

STFU Ted Cruz.

Like Ted gives a fuck about whales. He’d pave the rainforests if it won him a single vote.

I’m still pissed that the car replaced my horse.

I call BS – the American *renewable* energy industry will prosper.

The free healthcare system will destroy the for-profir insurance industry as we know it.

No he is just a grifter clown like all the rest of the maga chuds.

The automobile caused horse genocide

Old industries go to be replaced by new ones (that don’t make the air toxic to breathe).

Oligarchy will completely destroy capitalism as we know it.

I just don’t understand how people can openly hate on him for 6 years and not vote him out when they get the chance. He is holding everyone hostage with his evil, and we just let him for the next 6 years.

Heโ€™s paid off by big oil

I really think heโ€™s selling his soul to win elections because Texans hate him! lolย 

“The Green New Deal will destroy the American energy industry as we know it.”
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He’s spineless and will do / say whatever his overlords tell him to do.

Ted Cruz guzzles the sperm of the fossil fuel industry when he’s not busy being a cryptic serial killer.

Heโ€™s a Republican politician trying to play to his base of stupid Texans without the dubious charisma of Trump and he thinks his gotcha texts are really clever and insightful

As they say in Ireland Whale Oil Beef Hooked

“It will destroy the American energy industry as we know it” he fucking says this like it’s somehow a bad thing.


Yes, Raphael Ted Cruz is stupid.

How can anyone take anything TC has to say seriously.

Heโ€™s voluntarily stupid.

Isnโ€™t that the idea?

Maybe the American Energy Industry could adapt to where things are headed anyways, isntead of getting caught out and hoping to be propped up by bailouts and subsidies despite not being needed anymore.

Some oil companies are already diversifying into other means of production.

AC power is dangerous and will be terrible for DC power.

If it does then new industries will replace them. What’s the big deal?

> as we know it.

so …. good news I suppose

Ted, dog whistles to stupid Americans

Tomorrow will destroy today as we know it.


Yes, they all are incredibly stupid.

This has been my stance on capitalism for as long as I can remember. At it’s core it’s demand-supply-profit-adapt-repeat. If your business fails it’s because you didn’t meet one of those criteria. I think big corporations should be allowed to fail because that’s Capitalism at its purest. Bail outs discourage competition and innovation. Offer a product that encourages demand and let consumers do the rest. If you fuck around with the consumers, you find out when they take their money elsewhere. You failed. That’s on you. If the economy tanks and consumers have reduced buying power, you give them more to keep them loyal you don’t squeeze harder to save your BoDs and shareholders. They’ll remember when the economy rebounds. Businesses aren’t government entities so they shouldn’t be entitled to government bail-out money. That’s for the citizenry and programs to secire the quality of life. Industry changes. Needs change. The economy changes. Things become obsolete, outdated. Better, newer more modern comes along. Change with the market to succeed. Did we save the horse and buggy industry when cars were invented? No. Did we prop up the whale oil industry when lightbulbs were invented? Did we bailout typewriter companies when computers became popular? People don’t get bailouts when the economy tanks (besides maybe a one-time hardship stipend that they’ll have to pay back when they file taxes anyway.) why should corporations? Just my opinion, though.
A corporation owe its whole existence to kissing its customers’ asses.Not the other way around.

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