Is this normal

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Yes, that is very normal amongst us girls.
Sometimes parents are involved.
More recently, my Google maps is shared with my parents whenever I meet with someone for the first time.

Yes, my lady friends in college sent me texts like that all the time. Or had me on speed dial for “there’s a weird guy following me and I need to loudly talk about the fact that you’re expecting me shortly.”

It’s unfortunately very normal, and necessary. If a lady friend ever calls you and jarringly starts talking about how she’s so excited to see you and she’ll be there in just a few minutes…a) you’re holding yourself right in your day to day and b) tell her how excited you are to see her in just a few minutes. Keep the conversation going.

I wish it weren’t necessary, but unfortunately it is. You should only go with a person you don’t know well to a very public location using separate cars. And YES, please tell someone where you’re going, who you’re going to be with, and for how long you think the date will last.

This is just basic safety. Guys honestly should do the same.

You post this as a joke, but many people do this. Unfortunately it is all too common for someone to be a creep online and do something bad to their date. Sure online dating can also be completely normal, but this is a safety measure to tell someone close to you where you are going and with whom in case anything bad might happen.

Also contractors, plumbers, etc…anyone let into the home. Also men text each other that shit sometimes. Anyone can turn out to be a psycho.

And? There are reasons we do this 🤦‍♀️

Yes. It is common here for serial killers to be named “Brian”

Yes, don’t meet strangers without letting someone you trust know where you’re going and the latest they should expect to hear from you again.

Totally normal, sadly.

This is funny cause I literally texted my friend a few days ago “if I don’t message you by 9am I’m Probabaly dead”

Safety is important

It’s the same for gays too. I’ve found myself in many a guys bed thinking ‘he could murder me right now and it’d be days before anybody even noticed’

Men bemoan how they’re treated unfairly. And women get murdered for rejecting them.

It’s hard to feel sympathy for the men that don’t work on themselves or acknowledge issues that they do cause (both towards women and their own gender.) So, women know to rely on each other. We came up with systems like these to protect ourselves or other women in the event something happens to us.

If you have worked on yourselves and such, this obviously isn’t about you.

yes this is a real thing

It’s absolutely real, not with those words but we do that whenever we are meeting someone we don’t know, it’s better to be safe, I always send my location in real time too. Or whenever I take an uber late at night I also send my brother a screenshot of the driver and the license along with sharing the trip. But to be fair I live in a very sketchy area and many bad things have happened

I’m not a woman, but this is me anytime I’m picking up something from a craigslist rando.  My daughters all share their location with me (and I share mine with them).

Absolutely yes. And it’s unfortunately very necessary. Girls have it so much harder than guys in so many areas. There’s advantages of course, but constantly fearing for your safety is a pretty massive downside

Yes. 100% normal

Yeah we also share locations if we’re meeting a new person. And ask them to do a “check up” call in an hour or so.

this is common

It should be.

My wife shares every uber drive with me because she’s had so many sketchy drivers.

yes, it’s normal

It should be very normal. At least I hope it is. 

I’m a gay dude and I do this with my hookups

My friend makes any guy she goes on a date with send her a picture of his ID

And she forwards it to me.

Sadly, normal.

This is normal

I mean yes but this whole concept isn’t as deep of a “social commentary” as it seems. It’s just common sense. I mean, miss me with the “The way this woman just texted her friend made me realize in what kind of society we’re living”

Yes actually

As a guy iv done that. Can’t trust anyone these days.

I text my friend something like that every time i’m meeting with a new dealer. I’m a guy.  

I share my location, what I’m wearing and a picture of myself. If this is a person I met on an app I will send his profile picture and a link if possible. I’ve also started asking for pictures of people’s IDs before meeting up.

It’s absolutely insane that we have to do this to feel safe but meeting strangers off the Internet leads to not great things sometimes. So better safe than sorry.

Yep. Gay guys too for similar reasons.

I’m a guy and I’ve done this too. There’s a lot of crazies out there.

Yup. Gotta laugh to get yourself through the thought that you might possibly be physically harmed just for opening yourself up to a nice evening. Just everyday girl stuff.

I’m a straight guy in a group of five friends who also all do this too.

It’s not just women.

And one night it was even needed.

Always watch out for each other.

YES! Extremely normal.

Yes. When I was dating, I absolutely sent these to my friends.

Ima a guy and I do this while meeting women for the first time

Before she got a car, my best friend used to send me the full information of every Uber driver with an actual picture of the car when it arrived so that if something happened, someone would know. It’s not just done for dating.

Women will do anything but stay strapped🤦‍♂️

Maybe you shouldn’t be meeting strangers online you barely know

I’m a guy and I’ve sent texts to my buds that I’m meeting a lady I’ve never met before at a certain place and time for a date, just in case. Women can be just as out of their minds as men.

Louis C.K. (I acknowledge his flaws) had a great bit comparing a woman getting into a car with a strange man to a man getting into a car with a bear.

“I sure hope this bear doesn’t do what bears do!”

yes. my friend group has life360 and safewords so we can call the cops if shit goes wrong

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